Sunday, September 26, 2010


Without going into a lot of detail, there is just a lot of brokenness in my family right now...
My precious baby cousin Kiera is in ICU with respiratory issues and there are other things going on that make me feel so helpless. Most of the time, I am beyond fine with not being in control of life in this crazy world. Situations like this make me feel so differently. I just want to step in and fix everything and save Kiera from going through so much pain...

...but I can't. I have to trust in Jesus with all that is within me. He knows everything about Kiera's sweet little body and loves her way more than I ever could. At this point, the words of Pslam 51:17 are bringing me so much comfort.

"Heart-shattered lives ready for love don't for a moment escape God's notice."

My Uncle Tommy just came home from a different hospital yesterday. He had congestive heart failure but is doing much better and just needs to take it easy. I really really want to take a weekend off and go home to be with my family but I know that me being there would not change any of the situations and would probably not be good for my life. If you guys could just pray that Jesus would have his hand in these situations and that the Holy Spirit would cover our family with peace, that would be so great.

"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid."
-John 14:27

Monday, September 20, 2010

Warning: be sure to enter all digits correctly.

So I have a great story to least I think it's really amusing. Hopefully you do too!

I'm having dinner with my friend Aubrey tonight but didn't have her number in my phone, so I called Lindsay to get it from her. She sent it in a text message and I memorized it quickly and retyped it to send a text message to Aubrey. Our conversation proceeded as follows:

Me: Hey girl!! Are we still good for dinner tonight?
Them: For sure. Where and when.
Me: Well, we had talked about that still good?
Them: oh yeah
Me: What time? Does 6 still work for you?
Them: ok

Sounds like a normal conversation, right? WRONG. I realized quickly after that that I had mistyped the number and was texting a complete stranger! He actually called me and I had to explain myself. He told me that he thought I was a friend playing a joke on him and asked me what city I was in to which I responded that I wasn't really comfortable giving him that information. Then, he told me that he was driving from north to south Florida so he probably wouldn't be near me anyways.

Awkward? Yes.
Amusing? HECK yes.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Prayer works.

Can I just say that seeing how the Lord has been working in the lives of so many people I love has been totally overwhelming recently?
Precious Jesus, thank you for moving in lives...bringing freedom, healing, and life! You are so good to us.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Crazy people....

In reference to the crazy "pastor" who wants to burn the Koran:

"The idea that we would burn the sacred texts of someone else's religion is contrary to what this country stands for. It's contrary to what this nation was founded on. My hope is that this individual prays on it and refrains from doing it."-President Obama

I don't think I could say it any better myself, except to add the fact that what this man is wanting to do is contrary to the Jesus that I know. I don't know what "god" he's talking to, but it's not the One that speaks to me. Praying that the burn doesn't happen this weekend and that crazies like that pastor might one day see people the way that Jesus really sees them.