Monday, April 14, 2008

18 already?

Attention ladies and gentlemen:

Anna Martinson is now 18. An adult. Eligible to vote, buy cigarettes, sign papers, and well...that's about it.


2nd grade feels like only yesterday. Where has the time gone? Ha, now I'm done being sentimental and reminiscent.

However, I do hope you have a fabulous birthday. But of course you'll be having dinner with the 'other two'.

OK, so bye bye, bye bons, and happy birthday.

See you tonight!


Sunday, April 13, 2008

Speechless...but I guess I can type


Expect a very frustrated blog here in a few days..or maybe even today if I feel up to it.


Wednesday, April 9, 2008

I know, I know, it's late

So...I will now write about the incredible show that took place on March 30, 2008 here at Carlson. The Cross the Line Tour!

Unlike last time when I wrote about Jubilation Jam, I honestly don't think I remember much from the actual day of the concert. Some things I DO remember doing are:

1. Finding Brandon (Superchic[k]) some EIGHT ft. tables for his merch.
2. Helping Brandon/Scott discover that the tour's rider doesn't ask for eight ft. tables, and that may be the reason why no one ever provided eight foot tables.
3. Unloading merchandise with Melissa from Superchic[k], and her reaction to our fancy cart that had four wheels. (Later on, I heard them talking about how they'd 'accidentally' mix ours up with their cart that had a lame wheel)
4. Lunch: sitting down for ten minutes with Matt from Superchic[k] to have lunch (and all the methodist men who thought they were so cool to sit with a member of Superchic[k]...priceless), seeing the drummer from Disciple come out in one of our choir robes and started exclaimly loudly that he loved the quesadillas (they had had deli sandwhiches for the entire week before that...oh and they caught this all on video; I have no idea who's camera it was)
5. Getting really nervous after seeing Lauren, the lovely lighting lady, outside the building crying because five lights were burned out. (Thankfully it wasn't our fault and I think everything was fine once they got it figured out). To add to the nervousness, Scott (the tour manager) was looking for Cody and I.
6. The incredible transformation of our sanctuary. I seriously didn't recognize the place. Backdrops+cool lights=amazing!!

As for the night of the show, we actually got to stand behind a panel seperating the backstage area from the public area to watch most of every show. I unfortunately only got to see about five minutes of Starlit Platoon's show, but for what I did hear, they sounded great. Britt Nicole rocked out, KJ-52 made me laugh..a lot, Disciple rocked our faces off (and maybe Anna's socks too), and *trumpet music*, Superchic[k] was AMAZING! I may be partial since they are one of my favorite bands, but their show absolutely rocked. The message they have to bring to LaBelle fits so incredibly well with exactly what we need to hear. It was also cool to watch their show knowing a little bit about each of their personalities. It made their show even more incredibly amazing. So, here are some of my favorite moments from the actual show (and maybe a few after):
1. Britt Nicole knocking over her water bottle, and then just throwing it out over a sweaty audience.
2. Anna's face when Disciple came on.
3. Being with Superchic[k] right before they went on. It was fun to see how they act before a big performance. (I'll try to steal Emily's video for this one).
4. KJ-52 telling me that he couldn't sign my letter of recommendation because it was a big lie after (come to find out) he lied to the entire audience saying that he graduated from LaBelle! It was pretty hilarious.
5. Britt Nicole and Suzanna. They had a very 'sweet' moment, and that't really all I can say to try and explain it.
6. Superchic[k] playing Hero at the end of the show (when they had not done that on any other show thus far...and that being the theme song for LaBelle)
7. How amazing it was to see over 400 youth from LaBelle join together to celebrate Christ!!

There was probably a lot more that I should have written about, but I'll leave it at this for now. I hope my summary full of rampant parentheses was fun to read, because the day was certainly one I will never forget! Thank you to everyone that are all amazing. Thank you to God, because none of this would be possible had you not been in it every step of the way.
