Monday, March 23, 2009

Life in the....medium lane

Dylan, Sasha, me, and Lindsay
Dylan...the sweetest thing ever.

Sasha...the crazy one.
Jayda and Justin
not sure what her name was complicated
They LOVED this.  ugh. ;)
this too.

The only thing I really want to mention that's been happening lately isssss....City Life Club!  
A group of students from Wesley go over to a park in an inner city neighborhood in Orlando every Friday to play with the kids, and then go to a church there on Sunday's to do Sunday School with the kids (considering the median age of the church is 70..and that is not exaggerated).  

I don't know that I'll ever be able to do Sunday school since I go to a different church on Sunday mornings...but I finally went over there this past Friday.  I'm upset with my self for not making time is SO fun!  The kids just want to be loved.  We played tag, frisbee, swung on the swings, tossed them around like 400 times, and exhausted everyone.  Kids ranging from like 4-13 come and there are a lot of them!  

That's really been the exciting thing happening lately....or at least the good, exciting thing.  I went to the doctor today to check out what could be wrong that is causing me all this dizziness and lack of sleep.  He thinks it is vestibular dysfunction, where crystals build up in my ears and lay in a really sensitive area....causing me to be dizzy (cause of clumsiness, maybe?? ;)).  I have to take this medicine 3 times a day for 2 weeks and do these strange exercises to hopefully help.  Hopefully this works...because it seems fairly simple.  But yeah...the Brit health saga continues.  

So yeah...there it is.  I'll leave some pictures from City Life Club on Friday.  


Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Drumroll Pleaseeeeee......

Happy 18th Birthday, Emo!

I hope you're having a blast up North, and that your day today was so great. You are now an adult. How fun. Don't get arrested, because you'll go to the big house. Just putting that out there for you.

But really, you're great! You totally deserved a fun vacation and I can't wait to hear all about Belmont. Have a great day, old lady!!


Saturday, March 14, 2009

Since I cannot sleep...

We looked for beanies, but found these instead...
The backyard of Mr. Perkins's house before.  
The front of the house
The fabulous siding job, in progess
On the way to Memphis!
Hello fellow bloggers...

It's about 1:09 in the morning and I am having a difficult time sleeping.  Since I am off of facebook and no one is on aim, I figure I'll try to get a blog out about Memphis.  I apologize in advance for spelling and grammatical errors...

We left for Memphis Saturday morning at 9:00 AM and drove through GA to our stop in Birmingham, AL.  A church that Andy had connections with let us stay in their college house, ironically titled the "UCF House".  It was amazing.  Two stories-filled with couches to sleep on, a grand piano, a fireplace, pool tables, ping pong, prayer rooms, art studios, etc.  We were so thankful to have a place to stay free of charge, and it didn't hurt that the couch was more comfortable than my bed back here in the dorm.  

We got up and headed out for Memphis Sunday morning.  We got to SOS in the early evening.  It was a really awesome facility that was a former car dealership.  Then the week started.  Monday morning we woke up, had breakfast and were briefed on what type of construction we would be doing.  I think I'll finish up the trip with some'll be easier than taking it day by day since we were there for quite some time.  

  • My favorite part of the trip was bonding with our team.  A 14 hour van ride can do that to you...everyone got along really well and became a lot closer through the challenges and joys of the trip.  
  • Our homeowner, Mr. Perkins, was another highlight.  He was a sweet, 72 year old man who has lived in Memphis his entire life and in his house for the past 23.  He was eager to help and often sat outside on his porch while we worked-telling us stories of when he was in the military and how he lost a finger.  I'm pretty sure he owned the neighborhood, as everyone that came by waved to him and asked him how he was doing. 
  • The weather on the first two days was absolutely perfect for home-repair.  Mid-70's, sunny, with a light breeze.  The last two were a different story, though entertaining and a good challenge.  The last day in particular was the 20's, raining, and super windy.  Somehow we all survived without catching pneumonia or losing a finger to frostbite.  
  • Learning construction...I can now put up siding on a house in no time.  That was one of our major projects, along with adding a room on the back of the house.  I was pretty successful with the siding and cut well with the saw, but putting up support for the roof was not my strength.  I was on the top step of a ladder trying to reach over a board that I couldn't see over with a super heavy nail-gun trying to angle it in so that the nail hit both boards.  Needless to say, it was an interesting experience.  
  • Gibson's Doughnuts.  This place was heaven-sent.  Andy claims he was saved again at Gibson's.  It was a local doughnut shop that had doughnuts made on location.  After 11:00 PM you could get a dozen for $1.25.  We spent every night there except for one.  Fabulous. 
  • Overcoming some fear.  I've always had a hard time with not judging people based on appearance, and the Lord opened my heart and eyes to see people the way He does while I was working in Orange Mound.  One of the staff at SOS brought a crack addict by our work site and allowed us to ask him any questions we had.  It was totally eye opening and my heart was broken for Melvin.  He sees, but does not understand.  Please pray that one day he'll get it in his heart, as well as his mind.  
  • We visited "Big Dawg"'s house.  This guy was a crack addict for years and was heavily involved in violent gangs.  He was arrested and released in 2004.  He received salvation shortly after being released from jail.  His testimony is absolutely incredible.  He lives to serve others.  He's given away 4 stoves from his own apartment to people he has seen in need and is currently stove-less because of it.  He works at SOS now and spends most of his days reaching out to prostitutes and crack addicts that need the Lord just as he did a few short years ago.  Seeing how he sacrifices for the Lord and how he has a heart for the people was incredible.  
  • We went to Arkansas.  It was right over the bridge so we just had to go.  For the 10 minutes I was there, it was not the least bit exciting.  I'm trying not to judge...I'm sure that there are more exciting things to be seen once you get a little further along.  Oh, and we drove through Mississippi which I had never been through before either.  Exciting stuff. 
  • Every night, we had a debriefing session with our group from Wesley.  We talked about what frustrated us about the day, what was great, and what the Lord was speaking to us about...we worshiped together, and prayed for our homeowner.  It was a great time that really brought the team together.  
  • On the second work day, we decided to have a competition of who could put up siding the fastest.  It was hilarious, and we got work done a whole lot quicker.
  • We went shopping at Burlington Coat Factory to try and bulk up for the crazy weather on Thursday.  I walked out of there with bright pink tights and a ridiculous looking sweater that was on clearance.  The tights were the highlight, for sure.  Courtney got them as well, and we took great joy in putting them on with our shorts and knee high socks while walking around SOS...getting strange looks.  Good times...
I'm pretty sure I've gotten down some of my favorite parts of the trip.  It was a fantastic week where the Lord was glorified.  It was exciting because it was not like a trip where there was this incredible spiritual high that fizzled out once it was over.  Instead, I really feel like the Lord has changed my outlook on a lot of things that will have a lasting impact on my life.  

Thanks for your prayers!!  

Love you ladies,

PS...I did not get a lot of great pictures from the worksite, so once Courtney gets hers up, I will post some of the house at the end of the week.  :)

Friday, March 13, 2009

So much more to come...

I promise to write more, but I have got to post something about the trip really quickly.  

I think what I'll choose to post is the coolest picture I have ever taken.  On our afternoon off, we visited downtown Memphis and stopped by the Peabody hotel to see the procession of ducks....

I know that has absolutely nothing to do with what we were really there to do, but I thought it was pretty cool myself.  

I'm headed to bed, but hopefully I'll get a real post up tomorrow.  It's just that we woke up at 4:30 after heading to bed at midnight to travel home tonight.  I'm exhausted and much of what I wrote would not make a lot of sense.  
Thanks for your prayers!! 


Friday, March 6, 2009

Memphis here we come...

Hey ya'll...

So we head out to Memphis tomorrow morning and prayer would be much appreciated.  We're traveling in a van with over 200,000 miles on it, working in a neighborhood that SOS is fairly new to, and this is Lauren's very first mission trip.  We are insanely excited for what the Lord will do, and cannot wait to see how He works this week.  

Anything I can pray for? Anna's trip, of course.  She leaves for New Orleans this week as well.  
Emily, Abby?  

Love you all and I'll see you sometime!  Have great weeks.  
