Saturday, October 18, 2008

Just catching up a little...

Haven't updated in quite a I just figured I'd bring up a few interesting things that have happened here lately:

* We stated a series called "At War" with Wesley last week.  It's absolutely incredible and I cannot wait to hear what comes of it in the 3 weeks it'll be lasting for...

* Speaking of Wesley, I had lunch a few days ago with it's lovely Director, Katie.  She found out that I play bass and is going to mention it to the guy who heads the band up.  Apparently before I didn't talk to the right person.  So, if you would, please pray about that.  I really feel led to be involved in a music ministry up here!

* Emily and Anna came up for a weekend and we went to a Superchick show at the giant Baptist church (with it's own street.  woah).  It was fun.  Totally weird to use comp tickets and we felt kind of old being that it seemed to be a middle school girls conference.  It was a great weekend!  :)

* Today I went to the Food and Wine Festival at Epcot with Matt, Travanna, and Erica.  My oh my, the food is amazing!  The wine...I have no clue (but according to Matt and Erica it was not that great)

* I am being a bad student and am skipping class on Monday....because.....Senator Barack Obama and Senator Hillary Clinton will be in Orlando at a rally!!  I'm very excited.  Cathy is coming down and we're going with several people from UCF.  It shall be amazing, I'm sure. 

* I started (and finished) the first book of the Twilight series.  It's incredible.  If you haven't read it, read it-and only when you have time to read all day.'s that good.

And...I think that pretty much sums up my life for now. Amazing?  I think so.  

Love, peace, chicken grease (and yes, Anna, in that order!),


Friday, October 3, 2008


Former President, Bill Clinton
Me furiously shaving shaving cream off of my balloon...we left quite a mess.  I wonder what people thought when they walked by us..haha
Shooting q-tips.  Quite possibly the favorite event.  

So I'm not sure about why...but for the past 2 months I have had like no sense of balance and have been more clumsy than I ever have in my entire life.  Examples include:  falling down stairs, tipping chairs over, falling over my feet randomly, etc.  It's oddly hilarious.  If this year goes by and none of my bones are broken it will have been a miracle.

These last few weeks have been fun, but nothing completely out of the ordinary has happened.  I guess the most exciting thing that's happened recently would have to be dorm olympics.  We had a much better turn out than last Thursday night (like at least 20 people) and had some seriously hilarious games, including shaving balloons (they had shaving cream on them), shooting q-tips from straws into cups, and pencil darts.  I think everyone had a good time...and we had lots of promises to come back next Thursday.  Now how dorm olympics will be topped...not quite sure about that.  

This weekend is family weekend up here at UCF, so my parents got in tonight.  We're going to some cookout with the honors college tomorrow and then to the game.  Go Knights!  :)  I should be starting my paper for comp, but am awaiting an email back from my professor as to whether my thesis is on the right track.  If I don't get one by morning....I'll just hope for the best considering the rough draft is due Monday.  Oh fun...

Oh dang!  By far the most exciting thing has been Bill Clinton coming to our school for a rally.  It was just really cool to hear someone speak who used to be President of our country.  Definitely an experience I won't forget.  That's all I've got for now.  Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!
