"While Jesus was in one of the towns, a man came along who was covered with leprosy. When he saw jesus he fell with his face to the ground and begged him, 'Lord, if you are willing you can make me clean.' Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. 'I am willing,' he said. 'Be clean!'. And immediately the leprosy left him."
-Luke 5:12-14
I'm going to Memphis to work in an inner-city neighborhood for Spring Break, and our team has been meeting weekly to prepare for the trip. One thing that comes up pretty often in our discussion is what love really is, and how Jesus loved. I'm sure all of us have read the story of Jesus healing the leper several times...but I guess I had never really studied it before. The fact that Jesus actually touched the man and was willing to sacrifice a little bit of himself was something that I didn't understand before. I feel like as a nation we like to throw excess money at problems instead of actually sacrificing something. Don't get me wrong..without adequate funding many things cannot be accomplished. But there are so many other things to be done besides and in addition to financially giving. People need to be loved. We have to actually sacrifice and show people that they matter.
There are so many times where I have complained about inconveniencing myself just a little bit to give someone a ride or talk to someone who needs a person to listen to them. That's one thing I get so frustrated with myself about. Jesus loved in every aspect of his life. It kind of astonished me that he touched a leper. After reading up on the disease, many people are immune to it, but if you are not, it can be contagious. I'm sure it especially was back then...when there were no vaccines or preventative medications. I had never actually looked at a picture of someone with leprosy, and now that I have...it's really obvious. Jesus looked beyond the exterior of the disease and spoke into that person's life. He of all people could have been doing a number of other things but Jesus (who had a busy busy life) took time out of his life to love someone.
That's my prayer...that we might see people through God's eyes and that our hearts would break for others.
I love you guys so much...let's go love others.
let's DO it. im in. Musketeers, UNITE!!!! ;)
*draws sword* YES!
What symbols are you talking about?? I think your Mac is just being dumb...as expected ; ).
greeat thoughts on that passage, Britt. i think alot of the time we take one look at a person and either make assumptions or become intimidated based on what we see outwardly. and that keeps us from reaching out beyond our "worlds" to pursue and bless others with love. thanks for sharing that..got me thinking :)
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