Saturday, June 14, 2008

What's happened with Brit today? Well...

I woke up at 11:00 AM (and was still tired!), got up eventually and got a shower and then went to the church to make a CD of music camp stuff for Emi to listen to (yay!). On my way home, I picked up Emi so that we could watch the Hillsong kids DVD and learn the hand motions. Hopefully she posts the video was pretty hilarious!

Because I had not had lunch and we had no food here in the house, I went to Subway after dropping Emily off. Came back, had lunch, and started cleaning! I got a lot done, but then had to run into town to get the wood for building the stage tomorrow. I came back, and continued cleaning my room, my bathroom, my brother's room, the kitchen, and the living room. We even cleaned out our fridge, and my brother is currently cleaning off his desk. The cleaning bug must have bitten my family today. Odd.

So now I'm just sitting avoiding writing my thank you letters for graduation. Oh how much nicer (well maybe not nicer..but less stressful) it will be when the thank you cards are done, and the concert and music camp have passed. Maybe it will finally start to feel like summer. Who knows!

That's all for now! Have a great night, and I'll see most (if not all..ha!) tomorrow at 2:00 PM to set-up!


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