Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Our God is a God who saves...word documents?

So, many of you may be wondering what in the world my title means. Well..here's the story:

Last Thursday, I knew I was in for a busy day. The day before had been bad because I had locked myself out of the house, my dog had escaped, and I had been late to school as a result of the lock situation. I was determined that Thursday would be better. I had to go to school, go to work, print out my speech outline, do my index cards, take a shower to get ready for the Golden Apple dinner awards (where I had to introduce Mrs. Bridwell), go to speech class, and then leave early to go to the banquet. Wow.

So it started out okay..but soon turned bad once I got to work. I proceeded to stick my jump drive in the computer only to find that for some reason, my outline had not saved on there! I had hope that it may have saved here on the laptop, so I came home. Of course, it wasn't here on the laptop. I decided that I would take a quick rinse off (not getting my hair wet) and then go to class and tell my professor what happened. She's very understanding, so I knew it wouldn't be a problem. However, once I got in the shower, my shower head fritzed out and came on on its own, causing my hair to get wet and messed up. Ahh! I called my teacher yet again to let her know that I just simply wouldn't be able to come to class (though I had missed the previous week due to FBLA districts...yes, it's only a once a week class). She said it was okay...and that we would talk about it at our next class. After that, I went to my grandparents house to get a shower and went to the banquet. The rest of the night was great! The speech went well, everyone had a great time, and it was just an overall good evening.

So...here comes the reason for the title! duh duh duh duh.....
I went on the laptop to start my outline for the second time...and decided to save it on my jump drive after I finished the thesis in case the computer went out. Just as I was about to replace what I thought was the faulty file, something told me to open it. So, I opened it and was extrememly surprised to find that my outline was there! I was about to replace it!!

I have no doubt in my mind that God was who told me to open the file, and that he personally put it there. These last few days have been stressful for me (really because of no good reason), and God has shown once again that he's always there.

Sorry for making that saga sooo long, but I just had to vent I suppose. I feel better now. Hope you enjoyed hearing about my silly stressful situations, and God's amazing faithfulness. Praise Him!



Anna Martinson said...

woop woop!!!!

Emily said...

He reigns now and foreeeveeeer!! YEAH!

Glad it all worked out for ya.