So many things have changed about the cyst since the last time I wrote...
For one, there are three instead of two (or should I say they were three). I did not get them removed Thursday like I thought, because the surgeon had me scheduled for a biopsy of a mole. Don't you love doctors?
Because of the delay, I didn't get anything removed until this morning. Apparently, due to insurance problems, they can only remove one cyst at a time. The biggest one was removed today. Honestly, I barely felt the numbing shots and the procedure itself didn't hurt at all. The area didn't even start hurting until about an hour ago. He busted an artery which was lovely when he did...lots of blood. I learned that I do not have a weak stomach...Now it feels like I have the headache from you know where. It could have been a lot worse, though. Thanks for your prayers! The other two come out over summer, and I'm not nearly as nervous...
Continued prayer would be appreciated so that the pain may lighten up before Christmas Eve/Christmas.
So I saw this on my friend Chase's blog, and had to try it out for myself. Gave me a good laugh. Oh, and I just found out that I get to have two cysts removed from my head tomorrow at 4:30 PM, so prayer would be appreciated, as I'm insanely nervous. :)
I'm afraid that this may be falling into the same pattern my xanga did...maybe not..
So life. What's new? Lots of things!
I'm on Christmas break right now...home until early January. I'm currently working as interim secretary for the church which is a great job, though stressful at times. We're just trying to get things organized, get through paperwork for the parsonage, and get the Christmas Eve Service hammered out. It is surely a crazy season to step into this job...but it's only for a few weeks! :)
It's been great to be home so far, though surprisingly lonely at times. I've figured out that I really like living with people. It's odd to be sitting here alone in the house, but nice too. My absolute favorite part of being home is being with friends here. We've hung at the coffee shop and been to Ft. Myers Christmas shopping. It was a successful trip...but fyi to anyone who was thinking of seeing "Four Christmases"...don't. It was not so great.
I know that most of who read this know what's going on with my brother's girlfriend, so just a reminder to keep her and her family in your prayers. God understands what's going on...even when we are all a little (or a lot, actually) confused.
So that's about it, I suppose. We're Christmas caroling tonight, which should be fun! I'm really looking forward to Christmas..I just love this time of the year, even in the craziness. Anna, can't wait till you're home! The three musketeers, united once again. Can't even wait to see what craziness will come of this.
We all have so much to be thankful here, and here's a few of mine:
God: You are everything to me. Your love, mercy, and grace are things that I will not be able to completely comprehend in this life...thank You so much for everything.
My family: I love you all so much. You have been with me through thick and thin and I am thankful that we will be together no matter what.
Old friends :): You guys are seriously the best. I have no idea what I would be without you...your friendships have helped shape my life into what it is today and I wouldn't trade all these years for anything. Have tons of fun shopping tonight/tomorrow. I love you guys!
A holiday that brings together family that satan has tried to break apart
Incredible opportunities and experiences that God has blessed me with
Wesley: I love you guys so much. You have blessed my life in so many ways..
My animals
Food, shelter, and clothing
Kalkidan: She has taught me so much about being thankful and is such a sweetheart and blessing.
Life: in all it's ups and downs it is still a blessing.
I hope everyone has had great Thankgivings!
"Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. Let the world of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God. And whatever you do, whether in word or in deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him."
-Colossians 3:15-17
**Isn't it interesting that Colossians is considered wrong by my spellcheck? ...
So I had been looking forward to last weekend for a long while and it was such a great time. Jaclyn, Jordan, Becca, and I went to Jaclyn's house Friday and had a very chill night watching "Get Smart". It's a great movie! Saturday was by far my favorite day of the weekend. It was fun spending time with friends that I don't see as often as usual. It was so great to all be together again! All the bands were favorites were Stellar Kart, Toby Mac, and Article One...but they were all great. Our seats were terrific and it was just a fabulous concert. I really loved getting to see friends from home, my grandparents, and the guys from A1. Just a great weekend! Sunday we celebrated Jaclyn's birthday with her family and then came on back.
Tonight is going to be awesome...we have the first annual Wesley pot-luck Thanksgiving dinner. Some lovely ladies from the church are making the meat and we're all bringing side-dishes/desserts. I'm bringing corn casserole. It's sitting on my bed calling my name but I'm trying my hardest not to get into it until the dinner ;). I hope you guys all had great weekends too. I'm pretty sure you did. you guys!
I'm sure you guys remember when my car was towed in the first week of school...well the saga with the UCF Parking Services continues. On Tuesday, November 4th, my friend Shateria and I went out grocery shopping. When we came back, I parked in the 24 hr zone because it was closer and we had a lot of groceries to bring in. Plus, I knew that I'd move my car because I had to take everyone to Wesley in about 5 hrs. So later that day, a bunch of us walked out to my car and left for Wesley. There was this (what I though was) stupid advertisement thing on my windshield so I put my wipers on and tried to get it off. I damaged it pretty well but it stuck on there. I guess I forgot about it and left it when I parked my car in the regular parking lot after we returned from Wesley.
Well...Jaclyn and I leave this morning and she gets the mysterious paper off my windshield. And what is it? A parking ticket! I thought it might be because I was touching the line. BUT, they charged me with parking in the 24 hr lot. I only parked there for 5 hrs, and therefore do not deserve a $50 parking ticket. I appealed the ticket and am waiting to hear back on their decision. Grr..
I don't know why I had to go into such detail, but it frustrated me and I felt like everyone should know. Haha. Other than that, life's been great! November is the fabulous month of music, as there are so many great concerts! Thursday night, Becca and I saw CAB, Plain White T's, Dashboard Confessional, and Panic at the Disco at our homecoming concert. Friday, Anna and I saw Transmit Now, There for Tomorrow, Straylight Run, and...Anberlin! Anberlin was my favorite. It was a good time...even with all the dumb mosh pitters that kind of ruined being on the floor. Once we returned, we went to WalMart and then got shakes until about 2:30. It was a great weekend! And tonight is the Wesley Tour where I'll get to see the guys of Access 218. Should be fun! Then there is this weekend where we get to see a bunch of other people. much!
I absolutely CANNOT believe that it is already November. Gosh... update on my life.
Wesley Retreat was two weekends ago...and what an amazing time. I got to know a lot of people in Wesley and had tons of fun while doing it. God revealed an area of my life that weekend that I needed to give up to Him completely...
We got back and went to Wesley Tuesday night. Well...let's just say that God continued to speak to my heart about that specific area. I finally listened and let the past anger and frustration go. I got things off my chest that had been weighing me down and it feels great!
Last weekend I went home to vote and spend time with family and friends. I got to spend some time with my family and then went out with friends to bowl on Saturday. Oh my...what is there even to say about that? I think I'll just leave it at the story where Jim bounced his ball across two lanes and then Cathy accidentally almost chucked her ball back and Emily. Priceless. Oh, and we hung out in the parking lot of Starbucks after they kicked us out and had an interesting time there as well. The weekend ended wonderfully with a much needed lunch between Emily, Rhonda, and I. Rhonda's got quite the challenge ahead of her but I'm confident she's going in the right direction.
I had a major procrastination moment yesterday. This weekend was so fun that I just ran out of time to do my 750 word paper on the Cuban Revolution...well, I started that at midnight last night and it was due at 9:00 this morning. By God's grace I got it done within an hour and am still awake today. Woohoo! Never doing that again..
So, in case you were just dying to know what I've been up to...there you go. Tonight should be fun. I'm going to Symposium (well that's not sooo fun), then a Wesley intramural flag football game (go Woah Man!!), then to a movie night at the Arena with my neighbor who I'd never met before today, then to Matt's for dinner, and then to play Manhunt all around campus at 11:00 PM. And then the election is tomorrow and I'm watching the results at Matt's place. Gah...sleep? Who needs it?
Haven't updated in quite a I just figured I'd bring up a few interesting things that have happened here lately:
* We stated a series called "At War" with Wesley last week. It's absolutely incredible and I cannot wait to hear what comes of it in the 3 weeks it'll be lasting for...
* Speaking of Wesley, I had lunch a few days ago with it's lovely Director, Katie. She found out that I play bass and is going to mention it to the guy who heads the band up. Apparently before I didn't talk to the right person. So, if you would, please pray about that. I really feel led to be involved in a music ministry up here!
* Emily and Anna came up for a weekend and we went to a Superchick show at the giant Baptist church (with it's own street. woah). It was fun. Totally weird to use comp tickets and we felt kind of old being that it seemed to be a middle school girls conference. It was a great weekend! :)
* Today I went to the Food and Wine Festival at Epcot with Matt, Travanna, and Erica. My oh my, the food is amazing! The wine...I have no clue (but according to Matt and Erica it was not that great)
* I am being a bad student and am skipping class on Monday....because.....Senator Barack Obama and Senator Hillary Clinton will be in Orlando at a rally!! I'm very excited. Cathy is coming down and we're going with several people from UCF. It shall be amazing, I'm sure.
* I started (and finished) the first book of the Twilight series. It's incredible. If you haven't read it, read it-and only when you have time to read all day.'s that good.
And...I think that pretty much sums up my life for now. Amazing? I think so.
Love, peace, chicken grease (and yes, Anna, in that order!),
Me furiously shaving shaving cream off of my balloon...we left quite a mess. I wonder what people thought when they walked by us..haha
Shooting q-tips. Quite possibly the favorite event.
So I'm not sure about why...but for the past 2 months I have had like no sense of balance and have been more clumsy than I ever have in my entire life. Examples include: falling down stairs, tipping chairs over, falling over my feet randomly, etc. It's oddly hilarious. If this year goes by and none of my bones are broken it will have been a miracle.
These last few weeks have been fun, but nothing completely out of the ordinary has happened. I guess the most exciting thing that's happened recently would have to be dorm olympics. We had a much better turn out than last Thursday night (like at least 20 people) and had some seriously hilarious games, including shaving balloons (they had shaving cream on them), shooting q-tips from straws into cups, and pencil darts. I think everyone had a good time...and we had lots of promises to come back next Thursday. Now how dorm olympics will be topped...not quite sure about that.
This weekend is family weekend up here at UCF, so my parents got in tonight. We're going to some cookout with the honors college tomorrow and then to the game. Go Knights! :) I should be starting my paper for comp, but am awaiting an email back from my professor as to whether my thesis is on the right track. If I don't get one by morning....I'll just hope for the best considering the rough draft is due Monday. Oh fun...
Oh dang! By far the most exciting thing has been Bill Clinton coming to our school for a rally. It was just really cool to hear someone speak who used to be President of our country. Definitely an experience I won't forget. That's all I've got for now. Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!
As I mentioned in my last post, life is pretty insane for me right now. So many many different things to think about/do. Therefore I thought it was interesting that in our Freshmen Group they challenged us to do at least 15 minutes of meditating each day-simply sitting in the presence of God praying and listening for His voice.
As I've said many times before, isn't it so funny how God knows exactly what we need in our lives? Taking those short minutes out of my day seems to actually make more time to get things done. Doesn't make any sense logically, but God has never been logical. I wanted to share a scripture that I heard at Wesley last Tuesday that has inspired me.
"A person's words can be life-giving water, words of true wisdom are as refreshing as a bubbling brooke." -Proverbs 18:4
Andy talked about a quote he had heard, and wanted to change it. I totally should have brought my journal because I cannot remember who said it originally. It is: "The best thing about the church is the people, and the worst thing about the church is the people". He talked about us at Wesley trying to erase the second half of that. His entire sermon inspired me to be someone that people like to be around. To be someone that encourages others, and looks at life in a positive light instead of being downcast all the time. When I walk into a room and someone seems to genuinely want to get to know me and makes me feel like I'm important, it makes a world of difference. It's so important to be loved, and so many people in this world have no idea what that feels like. So my goal for this week besides doing my meditations faithfully is to love on people. Make them feel like they are important and be Jesus to them.
As far as what I've actually done this last week....basically had my nose in books with the occasional break for Wesley/Freshman Group/SAK Comedy Club/other fun stuff. I still have tons of reading to do for Monday but I got a lot accomplished today which was great. Tomorrow I have a Volunteer UCF event that goes along with my goal for this week. We're going to work in a crisis nursery and spend time with the children there. I'm very excited and will be sure to try and take pictures (if possible) and update on how that goes. Sunday is church and more schoolwork. I'm coming home next weekend to see everyone. So excited!
Whew...I sure thought things would calm down a little while ago, but the craziness has not stopped. I don't even remember what my last blog was about. Oh yeah! Getting excited about the amazing weekend. I guess I should talk about that...
I went home Thursday (driving home by yourself is really boring, fyi) and went immediately to the Conners' to see Jesse, Kristen, and Trinia. I was so overwhelmed I was in's crazy how you don't realize how much you miss someone until you see them again. I spent a couple hours over there, and then came home to do laundry. Oh what an exciting night.
Emily and I left for Night of Joy the next day at 1:00. The ride was awesome, with me hating the Earth and Emily loving walls. Fabulous. At Night of Joy, I saw Britt Nicole, Chris Tomlin, Barlow Girl, a song of Becca St. James, and Rush of Fools. All were amazing! It was so fun to hang out with Em and Anner. We have so many stories that came from that short time...let's just say that I'll post a video that pretty much sums up our evening.
As of now, I'm drowning in school work. It totally stinks when two of your professors decide to make us finish books in the same week AND write papers on them. I'm done with history, but still have to read 100 pgs of awfulness and write a paper by Saturday. Yes, I know it's only Wednesday but...;)
I'll post some pictures from NOJ. Hope everyone's weeks are going well! I'm going to go hang out with some kids from Wesley tonight and pig out on pizza. Yumm...
I don't think I've been this excited for a week in quite a while. Wesley tonight, "Iron Man" tomorrow night, home Thursday (to see Kristen, Jesse, and Trinia....yayayayayayayyaa), and then back up Friday with Emily to meet Anna at Night of Joy! Saturday is the USF game; still not sure if I have gotten tickets or not). Anna's taking Emily home on Saturday to spend some time with her family, and then coming back on Sunday to come to church with me Sunday night. ;)
Let's see. I'm trying to think of anything blog worthy in the last few days. Sunday night, Chelsey, Jaclyn, and I went with my friends to a college aged ministry in downtown Orlando. I don't even really have words to describe the service. The music was amazing, the sermon inspiring yet challenging (all about letting Jesus be King over ALL of our lives, not just he areas we don't care about controlling), and then guys that we went with said that the sermon that night was the 'worst' they'd ever heard. Mind you, when the sermons are amazing all the time, being the 'worst' is just really great...not amazing. Something like that..haha!
I've got a lot to think about coming up here. If you guys could just keep me and my decisions in your prayers, I'd sure appreciate it. God has been/is so amazing in these past few weeks. I'm going to Wesley tonight, and hopefully something about playing bass will come up. Wow! "Majesty (Here I Am)" just came up on my iPod and that was one of the songs I loved the most at Status. Just wow....
Love you all, and can't wait for this weekend! Oh, one more thing. Please keep my mom in your prayers. I knew that this time would be hard on her, but she's making excuses not to go to church...where all her support is. She really needs that (even if it does remind her a lot of me being there). Also just pray for my parents in general, as they are having to get used to being by themselves...Thanks!!
I've officially been at college for a week today! Woohoo! Honestly, it feels like it's been about a thousand years since I'v been here. Days run together, and feel a lot longer than they did at home. Possibly because days HAVE been longer since I've had to get up for class and stay up a little later than I should. Ha!
So tons has happened since I last posted. I went to all my other classes, and love most of them. My American History teacher (who I was worried about because I heard that she was ultra hard) is amazing. She loves history, and inspires us to love it too. The only beef I have about my classes, is my Computer Fundamentals for Business lecture with 350 people in it. The size is not what bothers me, it's Dr. Abdallah who speaks 6 languages and has accents from each one. I had a migraine after class trying to understand what he was saying! Good thing I know what he's talking about, so as long as I get my assignments I really don't have to listen too carefully.
I met my suitemates this week, as well! They are both wonderful wonderful people, and we've already had a lot of fun playing board games. Jaclyn is a Christian, which is such a blessing! She went to Wesley with me last night to watch "Batman Begins" and eat Huey Magoos. By the way, for those of you who are coming to visit me at some point, we are going to Huey Magoos. It is absolutely amazing!! I met tons of great people there, and we had a great time. Plus, something I'm really excited about is that somehow one guy who plays guitar in the band and I got talking, and they need a bass player for the Wesley band! I explained that I'm not that great, but he really wants me to come check it out. I've been praying for a way to get involved with Christian music up here, and God has once again shown Himself. Thus, my parents are bringing my bass up this afternoon. I cannot even explain how excited I am about this. God has shown Himself to me more this week than ever in my entire life.
I could write about my whole escapade with what happened trying to get to Wesley on Tuesday night, but instead I'm going to copy and paste what I sent Suzanna in an email. Much easier, considering that I've told that story about 10 times this past week. ;)
Chelsey walked over from her dorm so that we could go with my suitemate Jaqulyn to Wesley (a Methodist ministry here on campus). It was supposed to be outside, but it was storming, so we were going to go to the church. Well...long story short, it was pouring rain and lightning a bit and we couldn't find my car in the parking lot! After going out a second time, I have the epiphany that it must've gotten towed since they started checking for parking and I forgot to move my car into the correct zone after Sunday. I haven't needed it, so I just didn't think. On our way back the second time, lightning struck the ground right next to us and it was terrifying. haha..We're all fine, but ran all the way back to my building. ;) We didn't get to go to the ministry, and now I have to pay a lovely fine. AND, Chelsey left her car and it is now dark and storming so she can't walk back (and wouldn't either with it being so dark), so she's crashing with me and my roommate tonight. We had a get-together earlier tonight in our neighbors room playing catch phrase with our entire floor :), and I remembered when I invited one of the guys that his roommate never came. SO, we took his extra mattress for a night and kind of snuck it in (since the RA lives literally right across the hall from me)...b/c we're not sure if that's allowed or not. So yeah...lonngggg but hilarious night. :)
So yeah...that was hilarious! I'll post the picture that's worth a thousand words along with some of my room. Hope you all had a great week, and Emily, I can't wait to see you on Saturday!!! John Mayer!!!! :)
Anner, have a blast at the game this weekend! We'll miss you, but next weekend is going to be amazing, too!
It's official. I'm a college student. I couldn't believe that it was coming up, but now that it's here, it feels quite natural. Haha..
It feels so good to be all moved in a somewhat settled. Because I left my camera cord at home, I can't post pictures yet, but Matt is getting it and bringing it up on Wednesday so it's all good. I love my's very eclectic but I love it.
Classes started today, and let me tell did not start out as a good morning. I set my alarm for 7:45 AM, and woke up when it went off. Well, instead of pressing snooze so I could take my time getting up, I turned it off and just closed my eyes for one more minute. One minute can apparently turn into forty-five minutes pretty quickly I guess. I woke up and found that it was 8:30 AM and my class starts at 9:00 AM!! Totally nervous that I was going to be late for my very first college class here at UCF, I threw some clothes on and left without eating breakfast...I was so hungry all class long! Once I got to my classroom, I went up to the second floor and found the door...but the door had no handle. So, I walked around the floor about four times just to make sure that I wasn't crazy. After definitely not finding it, I went into the band office (my class is in the music building..weird) and asked. Apparently there is a hallway you have to go down and it isn't marked. I had about 3/4 of my class follow me in there because they had no clue where it was either. It was pretty hilarious. Give the freshmen classes that they most definitely can't find. Good going....haha
I liked the class, though. My professor is really nice, and I love the kids in there too. I already have a group for a group project...with the guy and girl that sit next to me. Haha! We all hit it off when talking outside the class when we were waiting for Professor Meehan to get a key to open the door. That door is supposed to be monitored from eight to four b/c of all the computers in there, but alas it wasn't. The poor guy couldn't get anything working when we got in either....but he's cool and just went along with it. And that's just one class..haha
Tonight I have honors symposium, and that should be really easy. Chelsey and I might run over to Target before class tonight. I'm still shocked at the fact that there is every store in the universe within like ten miles of where I am. Weird...My floor has a mandatory meeting tonight at that should be interesting. I'll hear things like don't set stuff on fire, don't hang stuff from the sprinklers, etc. Oh wait, my dorm doesn't have sprinklers. Hope there isn't a fire. Haha!
Let's see...since my last post, we lost electricity for about 4 hours, got it back, packed a lot for college, had Emily over for the night so she could sleep in air-conditioning, and slept...a lot!
Fay wasn't all that bad, but we do have a ton of yard trash. Plus, it keeps raining around here, so I'm not sure if our yard will ever be dry enough to mow again. ;) Today is my last official full day at home which is kind of surreal to me. I'm heading off at 12:30 PM to get my stitches out, and then off to get a facial (late birthday present) with my Mema! I'm so excited...I've never had a facial, so I'm sure it's going to be relaxing and fun.
I was going to have dinner with Kristen tonight, but looks like she is actually having Bible study. She didn't know if it was going on and doubted that it would, but the girls can come...I'm bummed that I won't see her, but believe me, I understand the importance of having Bible study when your girls can have it...;)
So we've been experiencing the wonder of Fay for about the last 12 hours, and my oh my, it's been....boring! ;)
Apprently the more intense stuff came by at about 9:00 AM this morning when I was still asleep. As soon as I woke up, however, there was some awesome wind and rain outside. I'll post a picture and possibly a video. I recorded a special video just for YouNews on, so we'll see if it makes it on TV. Not sure if it will, though, because there is actually a news crew in LaBelle covering the storm! I'm guessing that a few 84 mph gusts puts us on the map...
No serious damage for us so far, other than our shed being torn up. Our power is still on, though other households in our neighborhood haven't been quite so lucky. We'll see if ours lasts, as we're still in the most intense part of the storm.
Haha..I just posted my title without a blog accidentally. Oops!
Yesterday was fun! Mom and I went to Ft. Myers in the morning hours to do some errands, and then went to Daniel Dipofi's 2nd birthday party. He is so precious, and we had a great time. After that, Mallory, Rhonda and I went off to Ft. Myers to catch up on each other's lives. After eating at Bar Louie, we went to see "Mamma Mia!" at the theater. It's amazing, you should go see it. We all rarely spend time together, so we had a great time reminiscing.
Today is....the video scavenger hunt! I'm so so excited about it...I'm going to try and take pictures while we do it and post some of the craziness. Emily, we'll miss you, but thanks for letting use your camera! :)
If you guys don't mind, please keep me in your prayers. Tomorrow I go to the plastic surgeon to get my mole removed once and for all. I'm not too nervous, I just want to get it over with, and hopefully all goes well so that I can get my stitches out the day before I leave for college. Haha...
Yesterday evening was not a fun time for me, as I found out that the Winterwonderslam tour is coming to Ft. Myers on November 16th, which is very likely going to cancel our show of the "Rock What You Got Tour"...I was, and still am somewhat, disappointed that it may not work out, but then I watched the Steven Curtis Chapman interview on Good Morning America and boy did that give some perspective to the situation. Yes, the concert being canceled is no fun, but my life is so blessed in so many other ways. We've had 3 amazing concerts in LaBelle in less than a year, which is something that just a year ago, I would have never dreamed of. I've got an incredible family, the best friends you could ever have, shelter, food, finances for college, a terrific church...the list could go on forever! Just one of those moments where I needed a little light in the situation. They happen pretty much every day...;)
Anywho...I saw the most amazing sunset tonight as I was driving home from Praise Band. Speaking of Praise Band, I'm really excited to play "God of This City" on Sunday. Anna and Leslie sound great on it already, and Sunday will surely be even better! Back to the sunset, I tried to get a picture with my camera on my phone, but my phone died. So...once I got home I ran inside, got my camera, and my dad took me out in the jeep to try and get some pictures. By the time we got to my Mema's house, it wasn't nearly as beautiful as it had been...but still a gorgeous Florida sunset. With my awful camera, the pictures don't do any justice to what it actually looked like, but oh well. Oh Florida...
I am so thankful for my precious Lord. Today was definitely not my day, but He once again turned it around and taught me a lesson.
I went to work this morning planning to spend my time going over the concert rider with Pastor Benton since we are long overdue in getting this one approved. As it would happen, nothing went as planned, because an older woman at our church passed away and I was assigned the duty of scanning a ton of photos to put into a powerpoint for the service. Thank goodness for Stephen, who helped me out with it and ended up doing half of it himself. I was able to get through about two pages of the rider, when I had to leave to go to a doctor's appointment.
The doctor was running super late, causing me to miss out on bowling with the youth group. Plus, good news did not come at the doctor's office...I have to get my mole removed yet again, and this time by a plastic surgeon. More shots and even stitches to look forward to this time. Oh, and did I mention that I need to get it done before I leave for college? Eek!
After all that fun, I got home and was just totally exhausted. I went through my clothes (checked off one item on my seemingly never ending list of things to do before I got to college...), and then began to just sit back and think about how crazy these next few weeks will be. Then...the blessings began to be poured out!
Most people know that I've been kind of freaking out lately that I wouldn't find someone to go the John Mayer concert with me. I inherited tickets, and was so stocked about the show. Well...I'm happy to announce that Chelsey can go, and I'm looking forward to a great time. We haven't spent nearly enough time together lately, and it'll be a great time to talk about how college is going thus far! (Concert talk reminds me that we need to order our NOJ tickets ladies...). Once that burden was lifted, I had this awful feeling that I had not done my devotion for like three days! I mean, I've read through the Bible, but not really spent time with God. So...I sat back with my lovely book and Bible, and dug in. And you know what I found? A whole chapter on attitude. Ha! I'm just going to post a short excerpt from the book below, and I think you'll catch on to how great God is to put this in front of me tonight..
"To counteract our humanness intruding on our attitudes, we need to 'throw off our old sinful nature and our former way of life, which is corrupted...Instead, let the Spirit renew our thoughts and attitudes' (Ephesians 4:22-23). It might sound simplistic, but isn't simplicity what we need when we feel out of control? Just like God to know that."
There is about..all of that chapter that I'd love to post here because of how it changed my outlook about these next few weeks, but I'll spare you.
I know that my life is going to be insane over these next few weeks, but right now, I'm okay with that. I'm okay because God knows the limits of being in a human body. He's felt all the feelings I'm feeling now, and on a much larger scale. God has blessed me with so many things, and instead of feeling anxious about the future and how in the world I'm going to get things done, I need to just let it go. He has a wonderful plan for my life, and things will work out in His perfect timing.
Now I know that I may have been repetitive in this post, but I'm just overwhelmed with the fact of how great our God is, and had to share it. I'm so thankful, and hope that this encourages you all, as we ALL have busy lives, and lots of changes to come here soon. "Take heart, for I have overcome the world..."
PS...I thought it was funny that after all this time of listening to AO's new CD, "Colors and Sounds" that the lyrics from some of the songs hit me in the face tonight. If you haven't really listened to the CD, go do it now. That's where I got my title for this blog...just thought I'd add this in.
Oh how I love Sea World...I want to grow up and be a trainer again!
I'm finally home for more than a week. Not too long though, until I move to Orlando! Ahh....
Last week my family went for vacation. Sunday-Tuesday we were hanging out at Cocoa Beach. It was super fun, but now my back and legs are super burnt. The water was FREEZING! We had a great time, and then left for Sea World Wednesday morning. There we had a great day playing around, and now have passes for the whole year. I love the fun pass deal, especially since I'll be living really close to Sea World here in a few weeks. Watching the "Believe" show inspired me once again to work at Sea World being a trainer. Just so that I can swim with the whales of course...
Yesterday we also went college shopping. I got my bedding, a hamper, dishes, and other stuff that I need to live on my own. Matt and I ordered my books (it was so expensive..but we bought most of them used on Amazon), and ordered my parking permit. Today we went by and picked it up and then opened my SunTrust account. Busy busy getting ready for this year. I'm so excited, yet anxious to make sure that all my ducks are in a row before I leave. I'm so excited that God is speaking to me about starting a Bible Study with my dorm! We went by my building today and the area is so beautiful. There are like a gazillion spots outside that are perfect to have study. Please start praying now that we would have girls excited about it and that God would show us what book to use.
I'm excited to go to work tomorrow, considering that I haven't been there for two weeks. I think that's a record. :) Speaking of Bible study, when do you want to get together, Emily? We HAVE to finish our book before move-out time comes!
Lauren, one of my favorite kids from the week. My bunk mate!
Be amazed...4 hoop houses within each other
Miss Mimi, Kathryn (Lauren's twin), and Jaylin
Me and Becky
So my internet fast is over, and a few days short. I stayed off all week at summer camp, and it was a great time to do it. For one, I had little to no free time, and it was just the perfect atmosphere to refocus. No TVs, very little cell phone use, and no computers. Needless to say I got to spend time with some wonderful people catching up, and I played lots and lots of board games. :)
I just returned from Summer Camp last night, and had such a good time. I miss the kids, but I really miss the female camp interns. They were so much fun the whole week, and I was reunited with my sister! If you haven't heard the story, there is this girl Beth that apparently looks a lot like me. Since we have similar names as well, we are mixed up ALL THE TIME! She's super cool, and we had a great time hanging out all week. She's killer at all board's kind of ridiculous. The kids were all great this week. We had some interesting ones that caused some issues, but overall they behaved very well. Some of the boys had some serious issues, so Beth, Ketia and I had to do 'boot camp' to get them to clean their rooms. By the time we were finished with them, they were begging to clean...:). The guy counselors stood back and watched in amazement. All they needed was some tough love. Haha..
We leave tomorrow for Cocoa Beach until Thursday for a family vacation. Although I'm excited to have more time off, I'm also looking forward to getting home for a while. I've got lots of work to do before I leave for being pack! I'll leave with some pictures from summer camp this week, and maybe even a video or two from the kids.
The first video is of Foster dancing with Mrs. Lapp. He's got some serious anger issues, but could be so hilarious too. The second one is of Destiny when she teased me about our rooming situation. Moments like these made camp more than bearable. ;)
This week I will undergo my first internet fast. It's going to happen for several reasons, namely because I will not be at my computer all week (I'm a counselor at children's summer camp), and I will not be at work. This leaves me time to get my devotions back on track and to just give me a break from those time sucking internet sites (facebook!!).
I'm so excited about this week. Last year, I was a counselor for middle school kids at camp, and boy was that a tough week. Not to say that elementary schoolers don't have their own set of issues, but nothing compared to what we dealt with last year. Please pray that I would have patience with the kids, and that God would work through us to touch their lives.
So...I'll be back on in a week. Refreshed, rested, and ready to talk all about how summer camp went!
Oh, one more thing. Our "Rock What You Got" tour date was confirmed yesterday! We still have to go through a committee at our church to make it official, but on November 16th (haha), Superchic[k], Stellar Kart (oh yeah!), Article One, and Starlit Platoon will be at Carlson. Watch out for more details....:)
I'm sitting here watching Judge Judy and thought I'd update on the last few days of my exciting life. Sunday was kind of uneventful, with church and then we went over to Caleb's house real quick to watch our Superchic[k] video. It was awesome! Caleb did such a great job.
Monday I went to work in the morning, and then rode over to Naples with Mr. Pagan and Victoria to meet my mom and Mrs. Pagan at a conference at the Naples Beach and Golf Club. I stayed over there until this morning. We had a good time, but it was such awful weather the whole week. Our hotel was on the beach but we unfortunately couldn't enjoy it since it was raining all three days that I was there. I'm so glad to be home, and am just gearing up for camp next week.
If you guys could pray that next week goes well, I would appreciate it. This week has been camp for the middle school/high school kids, and apparently it's been kind of difficult. It's been raining every day, and they are running out of activities. They also have about five middle school girls that need whole new attitudes (according to Pastor Benton), so that sounds like fun.
Emily, I'm praying that God would be clear to you, and Anna, I'm praying that you continue to have a great time and safe travel when you come back to us! :)
What a few days it has been. I guess we'll go through starting on Wednesday, since that was my birthday!
After staying up to midnight to receive birthday wishes and 'special gifts...', I went to bed and slept in. Emily, Anna, Mom and I went to eat at Forrey's Grill, and then I went to work for a bit. We had already had praise band, so I just went to dinner at Promises. After that, we had to stop by my grandparents for a 'card' and there was a surprise party waiting for me! I have great friends, and I had a wonderful time. Thanks, guys!
Thursday was the beach day! We went to Olive Garden to eat lunch (Cathy, Giggles, Chuckles, Anna, Emily, and I), and then headed off towards Wiggins Pass. We had a fun day of rain, frisbee, water, and relaxation. Anna, Emily, and I went to Publix and got subs to eat while watching the sunset. Gorgeous! My car left Wiggins after that and went on the wrong road...but ended up finding a shorter route home! Now it's all the more convenient to go to our beach. Yes, we own it...
Yesterday was fun, but crazy. I woke up and went with Matt to town to do things for the Cooper campaign. I really ended up being a runner for lunch and to get Matt's oil changed. Fun. We went to Chel's Sweet Sixteen for about an hour later that night, and then went in the jeep to Longhorn's for my family birthday dinner. Of course, we had to stop by Dairy Queen on the way home to try the new Thin Mint Blizzard, and I thought I might burst yet again. Dairy Queen is the devil's lair. I stayed up really late last night to do laundry. Not fun at all, especially with the early morning today.
So after a late night of laundry, I woke up at 6:40 AM (yes, in the morning) to prepare for "1000 Homes for Education". Basically it was a bunch of people gathered together to walk around Clewiston and tell people about Cooper for Super! Though it was early, we had a great time. I was paired with Grandpa, and we had a blast walking around right outside of Harlem telling people about Mr. Cooper. It was ridiculously hot, and although it was fun, I'm glad to be done with it. After that, we came home and just kind of rested until getting ready to go to Mr. Proverb's 50th b-day bash. This afternoon was nice, though there was much housing drama. I made the decision to stay in Libra, so please pray that my family would accept that decision and respect where I'd like to live. We had delicious food at the party, and now I'm just here writing about my life for the past week before going to bed. I'm so tired!
Tomorrow should be fun, as our band is totally and utterly mixed up. I'm looking forward to it. :)
Hope everyone has a fantastic night!
Oh, and isn't it weird that Anna is currently on a plane to Paris? Hope all goes well, Anner! You're in my prayers.
I just had to type out a blog on my brand new computer. :)
Today was fun. Cathy, Emily, Anna, Caleb, and I filmed the band portions of our video for the "Alive" contest. Pastor Duke was our camera-man...I'm sure he had fun watching us look ridiculous. We had a blast, and then went to the coffee shop, where Caleb got his 2nd freeze of the day.
Tomorrow we'll start editing the video, which should be fun. Then we have band rehearsal since Caleb can't come on Wednesday night. Cathy is playing bass, and I'm on piano, so this should be an interesting week to say the least. I'm not worried about Cathy at all, but me playing piano is always interesting. I'll end this lovely post with some pictures from this afternoon. Photoshop is way too fun.
Just wanted to ask for prayer for my mom. She was trying to unload a couch earlier and threw her back out. We called my uncle's girlfriend (she is a massage therapist), and she seems to think that she slipped a disk (which would mean surgery). Mom can't move without intense pain, and I think we all know she likes to be up doings things.
Please pray that the diagnosis would not be severe, and that she'd have a quick recovery. I'll be sure to update as to how she's doing.
Figured I'd update on my life a bit since I'm really bored, alone, and it's storming outside. Boo for afternoons in a Florida summer.
This week has been gloriously uneventful. First time it's actually felt like summer to me since school got out. I have to say it's a terrific feeling. Not really having a schedule is super nice.
We got a new part in the video filmed this week! The part about living my dreams not just in our sleep. It's fantastic, and you'll be sure to see it as soon as we get it totally finished. This week we are going to hopefully finish filming (zombies, dentist offices, lots of band stuff, and electric sheep). Should be lots of fun! Yesterday was the 4th, and it was lots of fun. The Pagans (the family we actually sold the boat to) took us out on the boat in the morning/afternoon. My dad, Mr. Pagan, Victoria and I all took turns tubing...I realized how much I missed doing it. It was a blast, even if my arms are sore from holding on to Victoria now. We came home, got showered, and then went over to the Pagan's for a delicious, traditional American meal. Yumm...
Then, Cathy, Anna, and I went over to Emily's family's house to watch the fireworks. We all laid out in the yard and dodged flying poppers until it was time to go to the river. The fireworks were fun..and faked us out thinking it was the end several times. Riding back to the house was perhaps the best part of the night with stargazing, sing-a-longs, and dark holes of doom.
Now I'm just waiting here at the house for this storm to blow over. Now it's just raining, but it was crazy earlier! Oh Floridaaa.....
Next time I write a blog, I'll be writing on my Mac (probably..yay!). Until then, stay classy LaBelle. ahahahahah
So...I decided during church today that I was going to start writing about the sermons every Sunday. You see, I tend to have problems paying attention in church because my mind wanders. I had to go to both services today because we did presentations on music camp at each. Because of that, I was able to listen to it two times and really concentrate on what the message was. We'll see if I keep this up, but I really would like to. I'm hoping to start a habit of taking notes in church so that the sermons 'click' with me.
Today's message was titled "Judgment". Scary, right? Like Pastor Benton said this morning, judgment is not one of those subjects that people tend to enjoy thinking about. May it be judging someone else, or judging ourselves; it's just not a feel good topic. The scripture today was from 1 Corinthians 4: 1--5:
"So then, men ought to regard us as servants of Christ and as those entrusted with the secret things of God. Now it is required that those who have been given a trust must prove faithful. I care very little if I am judged by you or by any human court; indeed, I do not even judge myself. My conscience is clear, but that does not make me innocent. It is the Lord who judges me. Therefore, judge nothing before the appointed time; wait till the Lord comes. He will bring to light what is hidden in darkness and will expose the motives of men's hearts. At that time each will receive his praise from God."
Pastor Benton always does an outline for the message, and I'll just follow along with that.
1. Judgment of Others A. Clouded by Prejudice- One thing that Pastor Benton mentioned in the service that kind of hit me between the eyes was that like it or not, we all have prejudices that we must deal with. The kicker is how we deal with them. It may be race, social class, hometown, hair color, whatever...but we all have them. I don't like to think of myself as a prejudice person, but if I think about it I can certainly think of several, can't you?
B. Clouded by the Past- Our past can and does influence how we look at and often time 'judge' others. One example the pastor used was about someone who comes from an abusive background. They may be more sensitive to that subject than most. I know one thing that I struggle with daily is putting things that people (including myself) have done in the past actually in the past where they belong, and starting them out with a clean slate just like Jesus does.
C. Clouded by Motives- We can also become clouded by why people do the things they do. I know I'll find myself wondering why someone did something nice for the longest time instead of actually being thankful that they did it.
2. Judgment of Self A. Clouded by Self Doubt- I think I definitely fall into this category of being my self's harshest critic. Instead of just moving on after I've done something wrong, I tend to constantly beat myself up about what I did. We can often judge ourselves unworthy of God's love.
B. Clouded by Self Delusion- This is the polar opposite of self doubt. The example used was of the first episode on "American Idol" every season; where people who have no singing talent whatsoever audition in front of millions only to completely embarrass themselves. They think that they are absolutely fabulous, when in reality they just...aren't. Apparently they never had someone in their life to tell them that singing wasn't their gift. There are also people out there who think that they can do no wrong in life. They don't self-evaluate at all, even when it could actually do some good.
III. Judgment of God A. A true assessment- Thus far it sounds like a pretty depressing sermon, right? Well the good news didn't come until the end. Most people have this warped idea of what the judgment of God will be like, and it apparently comes from a background in Greek mythology. Like God is just up there waiting for us to fall on our faces so that he can strike us with lightning. How blatantly wrong! Yes, God sees all off the bad in our lives...and there sure are an awful lot of ugly things that we probably wish we could hide from him. Though God does see the sin in our life more clearly than anyone else, he also sees every good thing as well. He is so just, and considers both sides. He sees all those times when we do something nice for someone and no one else sees it. He knows it all!
B. Infused with Grace- The last, and probably most important aspect of the message was that God's judgment is infused with grace. God doesn't wait for us to mess up; instead He is there to pick us up when we fall, and celebrates with us when things go well. He is loving...and wants the best for us. I was reading my assignment for Disciple class a little bit ago, and found the reading to be mysteriously appropriate. It was in Isaiah 1:18 "Come now, let us reason together, says the Lord. Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool." This was after God was so angry that Israel rebelled once again. I think that if he had mercy on Israel we might have a chance too. ;)
I hope that wasn't too boring to read though, but it really helps me to dig deeper into what God wants me to learn. I'm now going to take a nap so that I have plenty of energy to celebrate Rebecca's and Larry's send-off today at youth group!
This week has been quite a busy one. We had music camp, and though it went very well, I'm so happy that it's over. I don't feel like going into detail (and considering that it wouldn't be interesting at all), we'll just leave it at that.
This week should be fun. We ordered my Mac today so I'll have that to play with, and then I really need to do some house-cleaning jobs at work. Since I'm leaving soon, there's lots of stuff to go through. I'm also going to try and get the November concert confirmed so that our date doesn't get stolen. I hope it works out. It would be a blast!
I think that's all I really have to write about. I'm going to go nap or something....;)
So, our third concert production at Carlson is over. Let's go day by day and remember what happened. This could turn in to a really long post. ;)
Sunday: We had church, then came at 2:00 PM to set-up the stage. We finished in record time and then went out to eat at P.F.Changs for Father's Day.
Monday: Concert day! It was surprisingly chill...we went to the church at 10:00 AM while Grandpa or "Mac" was picking up Article One at the airport. We set-up and then went out to eat at Forrey Grill. Yummy...Let's elaborate a bit on my grandpa picking them up from the airport. He was super excited, and even make a sign that said "Article One Shuttle Service". He took them to Shrimp Shack and fed them until they about burst. Nathan didn't even finish his dessert...tsk tsk. Grandpa even almost got them a gig to play there. It was going to be $600 for the first 15 minutes..and then if they liked it it would cost them more to have them stay. Boy am I glad that he really isn't their manager..we could never afford to bring them down. ;) The rest of the night was fun...the concert was a bit crazy. We helped Deas Vail unload their stuff (very nice band), and then left to pick up AO from my grandparents house where they were watching the soccer game. This was the beginning of our realization that Nathan sleeps...a lot. They came to the church, and the sound-checks started. It got kind of crazy and a little behind on the schedule, but all worked out well. Nevertheless's trailer had broken, so I had to make an emergency trip with Josh (lead singer) to Ace Hardware for some zip-ties and to Lyons Printing for some sharpies. The rest of the night may come up in the highlights. All the bands did amazing, though I must say that I think AO put on the best show. Great job, guys!
Tuesday: After waking up at 8:00 AM to get ready, we met at my grandparents house at 9:30 AM to go to the beach! Emily rode with Nathan, Mark, Dave, and I on the way over. Anna rode with Cathy, and Matt rode with Jessi. We got a bit lost on the way over, and Mark (a Canadian for heaven's sake) actually led us to the park. It was really funny. Once we got there we put on sunscreen (hilarious), laid our towels out, and all the girls immediately ran in the ocean. Eventually the guys got in, and we played a game called 500. It's so much should learn it if you don't know how to play it. We ate sandwiches that Mark and I made that morning, and then just laid out for a while. On the way home, we stopped by Starbucks (divas!), and then came back to watch the soccer game..go Netherlands! Later that night everyone came back over and we started to play Rummikub. I'm definitely not very good at it, but my teammates were, so we won 2 out of 3! We had a delicious dinner of steak, potatoes, salad, rolls, and cobbler (except for 'brownie boy' of course..:)). We swam after dinner, and then hung out for a while before coming home to sleep.
Wednesday: This day was really laid back. We woke up and went down to my grandparents to have breakfast with them and the rest of the band. After breakfast, Matt, Dave, and Nathan worked on band stuff while Mark came with Grandpa and I to help at the church. I got some much needed work done, and then we went to lunch at Forreys. We had a scary waitress (more later), and lots of fun discussions. We said goodbye to all the friends there and then went by the church to get their stuff. We stopped by the grandparent's house to say goodbye to mom and grandma and to get the rest of their stuff in the 'Chrysler navy blue conversion van'. We stopped by Dairy Queen on the way to the airport (I thought I may burst), and then dropped them off.
Today: Emily, Anna, Chelsey, Pastor Benton, Grandpa, and I all cleaned up the church. After that, Emily, Anna, and I all went swimming. It was a good day, but kind of lonely without all the commotion of having the guys here.
So now for some highlights of this week: 1. AO's relationship with my grandparents. They want both of them to come on tour with them now (grandpa to be their manager and grandma to cook) 2. The beach...the Canadians waiting 15 minutes after applying sunscreen before getting in the water (which I guess worked for them b/c after an entire bottle of sunscreen, the did not get burned and the Floridians did!) 3. The guys getting in the water...priceless. Let's just say that they took the 'sting ray shuffle' very seriously. 4. Nathan sleeping. Every time we were still for more than 10 minutes he was out. Poor guy, he must've needed the break. (oh..and his hair after the naps was hilarious as well) 5. Starbucks...Matt and Dave used their 'charm' to get the lady at Starbucks to make them both new drinks at no extra charge. Everyone should take notes.. 6. Rummikub tournament. Who knew that a board game could get so competitive? 7. Getting pelted by balls every time one of the guys jumped in the pool. 8. Nathan getting viciously sprayed by the hot tub when he was trying to put the cover on. I so wish we could have gotten that on video. 9. Dave, "Watch Out!". :) 10. The discussion at the dinner table (the canadian national guard (bows and arrows, moose, and a fleet of beavers), how bout that holocaust?) 11. Jay Leno (and the fact that two Canadian guys knew our national anthem better than all the Americans he interviewed) 12. Forrey Grill...Matt tried to take the top off the salt shaker and switch it with ours as a joke...and ended up making a big mess that the waitress almost beat him up over (and she totally could have...scary). Oh, and we arranged the tables in a way that the lady didn't like, so she didn't really like us from the beginning. 13. (did you guys have fun staying at the Hyatt last night?).
There are soooo many more things that I could have written about, but since I've written so much already...I'll just leave the rest in our memories. Thanks for coming, guys! We really had a fantastic time helping you live like Floridians for a little bit. See you in November.
Whew..I'm tired from writing all of this. I need sleep. :)
Saturday, June 14, 2008
What's happened with Brit today? Well...
I woke up at 11:00 AM (and was still tired!), got up eventually and got a shower and then went to the church to make a CD of music camp stuff for Emi to listen to (yay!). On my way home, I picked up Emi so that we could watch the Hillsong kids DVD and learn the hand motions. Hopefully she posts the video was pretty hilarious!
Because I had not had lunch and we had no food here in the house, I went to Subway after dropping Emily off. Came back, had lunch, and started cleaning! I got a lot done, but then had to run into town to get the wood for building the stage tomorrow. I came back, and continued cleaning my room, my bathroom, my brother's room, the kitchen, and the living room. We even cleaned out our fridge, and my brother is currently cleaning off his desk. The cleaning bug must have bitten my family today. Odd.
So now I'm just sitting avoiding writing my thank you letters for graduation. Oh how much nicer (well maybe not nicer..but less stressful) it will be when the thank you cards are done, and the concert and music camp have passed. Maybe it will finally start to feel like summer. Who knows!
That's all for now! Have a great night, and I'll see most (if not all..ha!) tomorrow at 2:00 PM to set-up!
I don't have much time, but I'll update on a few things that have been happening lately.
For one, I am house-sitting for a couple at our church for the next three nights. It should be fun, but based on last night's experience (I sat with Anna last night to figure out all that needed to be done), I may have a bit of distaste for little dogs after it's over. It's not that it's a mean dog, but it barks A LOT, and at nothing at all. Should be fun! It's an extremely nice house, and it's right on the river so it's definitely not a hard job.
I'm going just a bit crazy with this concert coming up on the 16th! It's just that the production company are not getting answers (or at least in a timely manner) from the management, which means that we as the venue do not get answers either. I know it's going to work out (it always does), but it's just a bit stressful at this time. Please pray that we reach lots of people through it, and that everyone has a good and safe time.
Music camp is also coming up! June should be fun, but planning for it is a bit of a bear when most of your regular volunteers are out of town. Again, I know it will work, but it's just a rough start.
Oh! We went bowling on Saturday with Scott, Cody, Kenny, Anna and Emily and it was sooo fun! We all had a great time. There are so many little stories I could tell, but I won't, because I have to go to the house-sitting house to get the keys and garage door opener from Anna.
We have officially graduated! Weehoo! It was a good, but totally crazy weekend. We had our graduation, then the party, then church, and then my orientation!
I met my roommate for this fall, and she's really nice. She's totally shy, so we should get along fine (so opposite of me..).
I signed up for classes (woop woop), and I have:
Freshman Composition II Honors: Monday & Wednesday, 9:00-10:15 AM Honors U.S. History 1492-1877: Tuesday & Thursday, 10:30-11:45 AM Computer Fundamentals for Business (lecture): Wednesday, 1:30-3:20 PM Computer Fundamentals for Business (lab): Wednesday, 11:30-12:20 PM Introduction to Hospitality and Tourism: Tuesday & Thursday, 9:00-10:15 AM Honors Symposium I (lecture): Monday, 4:30-6:20 PM Honors Symposium I (lab): Tuesday 1:30-3:20 PM
Most of the classes are basically self-explanatory..except maybe for the honors symposium. This is a class that all students are required to take as a part of the Burnett Honors College. The class itself is in a huge lecture hall, and different professors come in every week to give us a taste of what they do and teach. It's a pass or fail so all we have to do is show up. The lab for it is a part of the Junior Achievement program. It includes getting on a bus and traveling to one of the many elementary schools in Orange County to volunteer in an Elementary School class. It should be fun!
Nothing really interesting has happened other than that. I'm going to go to bed. Well..maybe in a little while considering it's only 6:31 PM at the moment. But soon.
Have fun in NYC, Emi!
I was going to post some videos of the sumo-wrestling, but suppose that will have to wait because the computer is being dumb.
If you guys could just pray for me, I'm just frustrated about a relationship. Thanks!
Anyways..moving on from the bad news of the day, I've had a mostly fun last two days! School got out yesterday for seniors so it's officially summer!! I picked up Emily at about 4:30 and Anna came over. After watching clips of the finale of American Idol (yay David Cook!), we went over to my grandparents party for Scott Cooper. Cooper for Superintendent 08! We ate food, had fun, and then later went swimming. Anna actually got to stay with us overnight for no good reason, so history was made! Anna got up early this morning, went home, did chores, and came back so that we could leave and drop off posters for the Nevertheless show at Family Christian Stores and go to the movies.
We left at about 1:30 or so to go to Ft. Myers, but soon after we left we ran into some nasty weather so we came back to LaBelle to have lunch at Forreys Grill before we left. After the power went out, we left and went to the church and hung out until it passed over. Once we got there, we did our errands and then went to the movies. We saw "What Happened in Vegas", and it was so good! We left there and came straight home because I'm retarded and forgot our FBLA end of the year party. Ha..I totally misspelled party and put pasty. It was funny.
So now I'm at home. Just kind of sad. So cheer me up with something funny. :)
Thanks for the fun day today, Emo and Anner! Woohoo!
So I'm here at home..terribly bored, and decided to write a blog. I'm trying oh so desperately to find something interesting to write about and not bore you all to death, but I'm not really coming up with anything. I guess I'll just give a recent update on life.
Since prom...hmm.. Well Anna told me about some stories she had heard about how different people 'celebrated' their proms, and to be quite honest it was very disappointing. I know that we're supposed to move on and forgive (we obviously cannot go back and change anything), but I'm really having a hard time. I don't know why..but I could certainly use prayer to figure out what I should do in some pretty sticky situations.
In other news..."Math With Mickey 2008" is tomorrow! Now for those who don't know what MWM is, it's (usually) at two day event at Disney World where we (the math team) go around and find variables to plug in to different math equations that our teacher has for us. The variables are different things at Disney..such as the height restrictions of rides, the map numbers, the number of stalls in the women's bathroom at thunder get the point. This year it's only a one day trip because we have a whole lot of middle schoolers going and well...I don't think any of us could handle a rambunctious group of middle schoolers for two whole days. Let's just say that I don't even want to try.
We had our senior luncheon today! It was lots of fun...I had an Ella Bacon Burger without the bacon (haha!), and a delicious piece of apple pie. I'm pretty much still full. Now we only have 4 days of school left. I cannot believe that today was our last Friday. I'm so excited, but kind of in disbelief. It all went by so fast! Once we get out, we have Baccalaureate practice on Wednesday afternoon, then Baccalaureate, then graduation practice, and then...duh duh duh..graduation! Freddy and I worked on our speech yesterday and it's coming along; though we still have lots of work to do! Our graduation party is on the Saturday after graduation, and that should be fun.
If you've read this all the way through, you must be pretty bored yourself. Emily, Anna, and Cathy: DON'T TELL ME ANYTHING ABOUT THE MOVIE! I'll admit..I'm a bit jealous that you all get to see it don't say anything until I see it on Sunday! I'm actually going back and re-reading all the books before I see the movie. It's fun...takes me back to when I read them when I was younger. Woohoo!