Monday, October 8, 2007

I need to be doing homework

So..I'm talking to Emo on the phone when I should be talking to my paper on rhetorical fallisies. woohoo

So it's my mom's birthday and Irene's birthday. I bought my mommy pretty flowers..aren't I sweet? Not boasting or anything like

Today we got another $1000 check from a lovely couple for Jubilation Jam. That is extremely encouraing, however we did get some bad news. Apparently, the people I talked to to get permission to use the field for JJ thought I wanted it for parking. Therefore we may not be able to do it outside, but rather inside in our sanctuary. So..I'm going to make a list of pros and cons, and help me out with what option you think is best.

over $3000 less
a lot less stress
weather doesn't matter
almost done fundraising

only fits about 1/2 of people
sound may not be at the same quality (acoustics)

We really had dreams for this to be outside so that we could reach as many possible. However at this moment, it really feels to me that we should do this indoors and maybe leave the outdoor thing for next year. This is, after all, hopefully going to become an annual event, and we planned for this to be indoors to start with anyways. Tell me what you think!

Please be in prayer for my grandpa. His sister, Mary Ruth, passed away last night. He was very close to her and even though this was expected, he is still obviousely upset.

Thanks, guys!


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