Thursday, January 21, 2010

Swamp Caaabbaaaaaggeeee!

Alright ladies, we have quite the task before us.

Find everything fun/quirky about Swamp Cabbage and participate in all the festivities.
There will probably be quite a few people from UCF coming down, so I want to offer up the most authentic, countrified experience ever.


PS. should we do the mudhole? haha...

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The first step to overcoming an addiction... to recognize that you have a problem. There, I said it.

I am addicted to board games!

I guess I've always held a certain fascination with them. There are just so many great aspects! For instance...

1. FREE! Once you buy them of course.
2. Unlike watching movies (which I also thoroughly enjoy), there is actually interaction between people.
3. It's a great way to break the ice and get conversation started with people that you don't know.
4. They never get old. A game is different every time, depending on how things play out and who is playing.

Not really sure why I wanted to write about this, but alas, I wrote. I guess it was because I wanted to share my weekend with everyone, and board games encompassed much of it. I also studied for my math test that is happening in a couple hours. Kind of nervous! Especially since like a ding-dong, I read all of every chapter whereas if I would have reviewed my notes first, I would have seen that only parts of some chapters were necessary. Lesson: READ YOUR NOTES FIRST!

So, what's your favorite way to spend time with people? Or some favorite board games?

My current favorites: Quelf!, Rummikub, Taboo, Catch Phrase, Apples to Appples...


Friday, January 8, 2010

Rallying in prayer...

Alright, guys. I came across the story of a sweet little girl named Kate, and thought I'd do my part to spread the word.

Kate was diagnosed with a brain tumor in late June 2009, and now is fighting the battle for her life. Her parents are grounded in their faith and are asking for prayer support through this stage in their lives. I cannot even imagine going through what Kate and her family are experiencing now. The least and the best thing we can do is pray for them. I'll post the website in case any of you want to follow her story.
