...is to recognize that you have a problem. There, I said it.
I am addicted to board games!
I guess I've always held a certain fascination with them. There are just so many great aspects! For instance...
1. FREE! Once you buy them of course.
2. Unlike watching movies (which I also thoroughly enjoy), there is actually interaction between people.
3. It's a great way to break the ice and get conversation started with people that you don't know.
4. They never get old. A game is different every time, depending on how things play out and who is playing.
Not really sure why I wanted to write about this, but alas, I wrote. I guess it was because I wanted to share my weekend with everyone, and board games encompassed much of it. I also studied for my math test that is happening in a couple hours. Kind of nervous! Especially since like a ding-dong, I read all of every chapter whereas if I would have reviewed my notes first, I would have seen that only parts of some chapters were necessary. Lesson: READ YOUR NOTES FIRST!
So, what's your favorite way to spend time with people? Or some favorite board games?
My current favorites: Quelf!, Rummikub, Taboo, Catch Phrase, Apples to Appples...