Sunday, December 27, 2009

2009...The great, good, bad, and ugly.

Woah. I cannot believe how awful I've been at keeping up with this! It's certainly not that I've forgotten about blogging, but rather that I feel like so much has gone on that I'm having a hard time finding all the words to explain it all...

Hopefully this will teach me to just be more consistent. Probably....not.

I was hoping that maybe I would be able to share the overall themes of what I feel like 2009 has taught me. We'll see where this ends up!

If I had to name one word that I've learned the most about this year it would be settling. I think I wrote a while back about how seeing other people settle for less than God has for them was so upsetting to me, but this year God has been showing me how I can settle in my own life in so many different ways.

This year has been full of super fun, happy, fulfilling moments for sure, but there has been an underlying sense of knowing that there can be more. Remembering to be satisfied with life and appreciate all that God has blessed me with but also to never ever stop pursuing Him with fervor and seeking to go deeper in all areas of life. I've learned to go deeper in my friendship and actually live out loving people with words and actions. I've begun the journey of living for the Lord first and letting other people's dreams/opinions of who I should be fall below the most important dreams my Jesus has for me.

At Wesley, we worked through a four week series titled "Stripped" that totally turned me upside down in good, but sometimes painful ways. The series was based on really letting Jesus pull the layers off our hearts and get us to a place where he could put the broken pieces of our lives back together. I asked God to speak into issues of my life (past and present) that I needed to finally face and work through, instead of just walking under or over them. Boy, did He answer that prayer. I am nowhere near finished, but it's been an exciting and exhausting process of discovering healthy and not so healthy patterns that I have developed and figuring out how to work through those not so good ones. Good times! It may not always be a fun thing to do, but believe me when I say, it's so beyond worth it with the help of our gentle Savior.

All in all, it's been a whirlwind of a year with all sorts of changes and fun adventures. If I had to name a few that have been particularly exciting they would be....

  • Living in TN! Man oh man, this summer was so incredibly crazy! I've always loved the artists at Inpop Records and thought of how cool it would be to work there. I remember freaking out and thinking how awesome it would be to get an internship there after receiving an email a couple of years ago from Shara about different opportunities. Low and behold, that's exactly what happened this past summer! The three months I spent there involved lots of awesome concerts, sending oodles of packages, getting to meet some artists that have been inspirations to me over my lifetime, lots of time doing databases on the computer, adventures with my roommate and precious friend Breezy, building friendships with others in my church and small group (miss you, Britt), and an incredible experience of truly living on my own pretty far from home. I will always cherish the time I was able to spend in Franklin and am so thankful for the opportunity.
  • A major change in college! After interning at Inpop Records, I realized that working in the music industry may not be the best long-term deal for me. I still absolutely love it and want to work in it for a period of time, but discovered that a degree in the field is not necessary to accomplish those goals. So now...dun dun dun...I'm majoring in Elementary Education! After much prayer and consideration, I feel like education is where my gifts can be best used and that this is where God wants me. I'm trading my dreams for the better, bigger ones of the One who knows so much more than me. Sure to be an adventure!
  • Roommate adventures. Living with people who I didn't always see eye to eye with (but still enjoyed spending time with for the most part) was such a great experience. I have such a problem with avoiding conflict and wanting people to like me. I am the absolute perfect example of a people-pleaser. This past semester has forced me to face my fear of not being accepted by everyone. Jesus is slowly teaching me that I am who I am and that most importantly, He designed me just the way he wanted me. It's totally okay if not everyone appreciates that, because the One who matters most (and a wonderful group of friends) does.
Wow....that was obnoxiously long. If any of you troopers made it through that whole thing, you deserve a ribbon. Or a hug, or something. Love you guys, and praying for a wonderful end to the 2009 and a fantastic 2010!


Thursday, September 24, 2009

Finally making time to breathe....

Hello, my long lost blog! I have opened windows to write a new blog several times over the past week but I kept getting interrupted. Today I'm determined to just get it out....

So much has been going on lately so I guess I'll just do bullet points about what I consider to be the most important stuff!

  • I moved back from Franklin, TN in early August. It was such a great experience but I'm so glad to be home. Never knew how much of a Florida girl I am at heart. I think it was more of the fact that most of the people I love are here....definitely had an effect. Overall it was a great summer. Learned a lot not only in the music business but also about myself and how to truly live independently.
  • I had a little time at home between the transition of Franklin and Orlando. It was so great to just rest and enjoy spending a little bit of time at home. LaBelle has turned into this odd haven of relaxation for me. Time just seems to move at a slower pace for me there which is so not a bad thing.
  • Moved into UCF! My life since moving in has been nothing short of crazy with occasional times to rest/sleep. Although I'm just waiting to get sick (but hoping and praying that I'll somehow avoid that) I wouldn't have life any other way. I so love being in community and not having much time to sit around and be un-productive. I'm working on the team for Freshmen Group with Wesley this year so that's super fun. We have such an incredible group of students and I cannot wait to see what God has for them this year!
  • Night of Joy was great as usual. We saw lots of different groups (Leeland, Chris Tomlin, POD, Francessa Bat....., Newsboys, Chris Tomlin again, and that might be it) and it was just so great to have hang out time. Sleeping arrangements were much easier than last year and it was a great time all around.
  • There are some things going on for which I'd love some help in prayer. Jaclyn and I are having a bit of a hard time adjusting with our new roommates. They are great girls, but we are just so different and lead very different lifestyles. I want so badly to be a Christ-like influence and to love these girls, but I also need to learn to have boundaries. We all live in this place together and we all have to practice some give and take. So, prayer for that would be wonderful. Also...I prayed a few weeks ago for a hunger for the Word and God (as always) was faithful in delivering that. Prayer that I would learn to better study and continue to have structured time to read would be fabulous!
So there it is...the condensed version of the past month. I hope all of you are doing well and can't wait to see you soon!


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

I am still confident of this: I will see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living.
-Psalm 27:13

This past week God used many many people to refocus me and remind me of His goodness.  I wanted to share some of it...I find that often it changes my perspective.  

For one, my visit home was so terrific.  I saw most everyone that I wanted to see (dang Anna for not being home ;)) and had lots of fun with friends and family.  Plus, my allergies let up so much and I felt 1243245098235 times better.  I came back up Tuesday night and then Matt came up Wednesday to celebrate my birthday.  I came home Thursday to find my room completely clean and organized. It was wonderful.  It was great having Matt here for a short visit, especially over my birthday.  

Matt left Sunday morning and Laura and Caitie arrived that afternoon.  Monday afternoon we left for a time of exploration and that's when some awesome stuff started happening.  You may think we're nerdy, but we knew that parts of the Hannah Montana movie were filmed in Columbia, TN (a neighboring city) so we decided to go explore the area and get pictures.  The most obvious landmark we found was the courthouse.  We were kind of embarrassed to go inside, but the police in there were so nice!  They let us through security and told us all about the movie and where stuff was filmed.  We left there and headed to a street where they said most of the city scenes were filmed and thought we had found the diner used in the movie.  There was a man walking by so we asked him to get our picture in front of the building.  We ended up telling him our purpose in coming to Columbia and it turned out that we were at the wrong building.  Oddly enough, he had the key to the real place and let us inside and told us all about the changes the movie crew made.  I wanted to move to Columbia after interacting with all the sweet people there!

We headed to Nashville after that to eat at the Wildhorse Saloon and walk around the city.  As I'm sure all of you know, parking is beyond horrible and so expensive everywhere.  After driving around for quite some time we finally decided on a garage that would cost $12 until 6:00 PM.  As we pulled in, a lady coming out rolled down her window and offered us her pass so that we didn't have to pay.  How cool is that?  We then walked around the city and realized that we were going to run over past 6 PM once we ate dinner...but only for about 30 minutes and the sign said that we had to pay 10 more dollars if we ran over.  There was a parking attendant walking around so we decided to talk it over with him.  He ended up letting us go to dinner and told us that he'd just overlook our car for the little bit of extra time.  May not seem like a big deal, but those two kind people saved us $22 of parking (when I have absolutely no cash flow this summer).  

I was just so amazed by how God used those people to restore my faith in society. I love that even though there is evil in this world, God always prevails.  We will be victorious in the end.  I love that!  

I'm headed out from work, but just wanted to share how I was encouraged.  Love you guys!


Wednesday, July 1, 2009

I am still alive...

Quick little update:

  • I've been struggling with sickness these past 3 weeks. Started as bronchitis, then sinusitis, then whooping cough...kind of doubt that last one.  Finnnallyyy feeling better with the last medication they put me on.  Praise the Lord!
  • Life in Nash has gotten much much better since the last time I wrote.  I am finally feeling at home in my church up here and am starting to make closer friendships with a few people up here.  I'm so thankful for this experience and would not have changed it one bit, although I am pretty excited to return home and then to Orlando. 
  • Needless to say, I absolutely cannot wait for my short trip home Friday.  I can't even express how excited I am to see you, Em!  Should be loads of fun.  Plus, our new pastor starts Sunday so I'll get to be home for that.  Looking forward to a wonderful weekend.  Hopefully Florida decides to be nice to me and give us good weather for a beach trip Monday.
  • Once I get back up here, time will fly.  Matt visits the day I return till the 12.  My friends Laura and Caitie (from UCF) will be here from the 12-15.  My mom, Judy, and Julie will then come from the 15-on to whenever they decide to go.  Then it's only August 14 till I head home!  Where has this summer gone??
Love you girls!  Hope all is well with each of you. Have a fantastic week. :)


Sunday, June 14, 2009

Your grace is enough...

Where to even start?

So often, stuff in life makes it hard to remember God's faithfulness and goodness.  Do I understand why Jessie's dad passed away the night before his granddaughter's christening and the week before his son's wedding?  Do I even really get why he's gone at his young age?  No.  I can't and won't act like this stuff isn't hard, or heart-breaking, or that it makes perfect sense to me.  

After I received the news early this morning, it totally did not sink in.  I don't think it did until I was at church.  Before the service starts every Sunday we have a time called "calibrate".  Our pastor gives us something to chew on and some time to get focused and in the mindset of worship.  Today's little snippet was about God being our Father and how He is ultimately the best one we could ever ask for and is always faithful and just.  I started bawling immediately.  The song that followed, "Your Grace Is Enough" did not help to end the tears.  I hate crying and being open with my emotions in front of people, butttt, it was so good this morning.  Just being open and honest before the Lord.  

He has been teaching me so much about being fulfilled in him these past few weeks.  The transition to Franklin has been wonderful, but making friends has been difficult.  If we're being honest here, there have been times up here where I've felt more alone than I ever have.  Without family, close friends, and people I'm familiar with for hundreds of miles it was easy to become overwhelmed.  One night, I was doing quiet time and came across some verses that slapped me in the face (in a good way, of course). 

"I have set the Lord always before me.  Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.  Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure, because you will not abandon me to the grave, nor will you let your Holy One see decay.  You have made known to me the path of life, you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.  
-Psalm 16:8-11

"God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.  Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging."
-Psalm 46:1-3

"I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago.  I will meditate on all your works and consider all your mighty deeds."
-Psalm 77:11-12

I've heard the song "You're Grace Is Enough" hundreds of times (studio, anyone?) and unfortunately that over-exposure can sometimes make the message seem trite (thanks for the word, Anna).  I sing the words, but so often forgot the true depth and meaning they express.  Do I really always remember that His grace is more than enough for me?  That as long as I have Him (and praise the Lord, He's always there) I am more than fulfilled?  Absolutely not.  This morning, I felt it.  

I might be "alone" up here as in not having many close friends but my best one is always with me, and ultimately, He's all I need.  Living up here has been an incredible learning experience in how to depend on the Lord and enjoy Him as a companion in life.  Learning how to live life with Him and make him a part of every moment.  Tragedies like Jessie's dad passing exemplify our dependance on the Lord and how He is the our only ever-present help in times of struggle.  

I'm sure all our prayers are with their family in this incredibly hard time.  God is unbelievably good, even in the hard times.  I love you girls so much, and probably don't say that enough.  But I do, and stuff like this makes me want to make sure that you know it.  You guys are beyond precious to me...and praise God even more precious to Him.  How are we even so lucky?


Thursday, June 4, 2009

Julian Drive

So I'm writing the Inpoparazzi newsletter for this week and needed to see how to describe this video in I had to embed it somewhere, and alas, it ended up here.  I don't know what to write b/c I haven't seen it yet.  But, uhh...hope you enjoy?


Update:  woah...that is so not Julian Drive.  I have no idea why that was linked to a Julian Drive portion.  Oh well...
It's a pretty sweet widget that this guy Rob has been working on for a while.  Stare at it and be in awe...make him feel good. ;)

Think if found the right video...this post is so confusing. haha

Sunday, May 31, 2009

If only we could love like a dog...

This could end up being a bit of a strange post, but stay with me.  Hopefully it makes some sense in the end.  

The past 3 nights I had the fun experience of dog-sitting for some friends that were out of town.  I was blessed with two precious pups, named Fella and Roadie.  I miss animals so much, and have always wanted inside dogs (and I've never had them) so being able to watch Fella and Roadie was super fun!  Roadie is just an all around good dog who is well behaved and super sweet.  Fella is a sometimes little devil but when he gives you those eyes and licks your face off, it's adorable and you can't help but love him.  Two nights ago, I was laying in bed journaling, and the dogs totally made me think of something.  

Dogs are kind of like a tangible (not really the word I'm looking for, but I think you know what I'm getting at) representation of God's love for us...
...told you it was going to get kind of strange.  

Every single time I came home the dogs were waiting for me anxiously and were genuinely happy to see me.  Not just happy, but out-of-this-world excited.  Once they got over themselves, they would just constantly be around me-following my every move and not leaving my side because they wanted to be around me.  I wish that I could be like that with my relationship with God!

That my quiet time would not be something that I should do because my head knows that it's good for me but instead be something that my heart yearns for.  That I would be out-of-this-world excited for the time I get to spend with our heavenly Father.  That I might realize how precious that companionship is and want to develop it and grow it.  I am almost never like that.  Sometimes I just wish I could be a dog...

Yep..turned out kind of strange, but that's what's been on my heart lately.  You all know I'm a little strange anyways so it shouldn't be too surprising.  
Miss you guys more than you know...


Saturday, May 23, 2009

Since I've been here a week...

Burgess Falls

The snake!!
After we fell...hahahahah
Downtown Nashville

...I figured it could be time for a good update about everything that's been going on.  Especially since I'm horrrriiibble about figuring out what I've told who.  So, here we go!


My house is wonderful!  I live on the second floor and share a bathroom with one roommate, Constance.  She's great and has a little Chihuahua named Pego.  I'm actually dog-sitting right now as she's out for the weekend at a wedding.  We have one room open and will hopefully get another person up here soon.  Breezy lives downstairs in her "dungeon".  It's an older house which is fun to live in...learning how to use gas appliances is interesting.  I love the heats up so quickly!  


Work is really neat.  The people are all wonderful and it's a fun and laid back atmosphere to work in.  So far, I've updated a database with recent addresses, mailed some packages to winners of contests (which is actually so fun because they'll email back and be SUPER excited about getting an EP of an album that has already released..haha), and tried to think of some creative ideas on how to connect churches to the label.  The president of Inpop is hysterical and likes to make office bets...espeically with Breezy.  She's a vegetarian and lost the last bet she made with him...the punishment is having to wear an "I <3>
I don't know too many people up here yet, so I haven't done too many crazy things.  Breezy has been such a blessing...she takes me everywhere with her to meet people and experience life up here.  So far, we've been to "Exit-In"(a realllllyyy old historic venue in downtown Nashville) to see a show that our co-worker Justin promoted, drove to Burgess Falls to relax (the biggest waterfall in TN), and are going to a carnival tonight.  We also had an interesting adventure one day on our way home from work.  There is a really nice park with a river flowing through it on our drive home and we decided to stop there one day.  Breezy knew how to get down to the river off the trail, so we went.  On our way down, she almost stepped on a 5 ft. snake and we both slipped down the hill and got mud caked all over our butts.  Needless to say it was an interesting and hilarious experience.  It's always an adventure!  I also go to church with Breezy at "The Journey".  So far, I've really enjoyed it.  There is a Bible study Monday nights that I went to and it's really good...I love smaller groups.  The church's main focus is working in the community which I find to be really awesome.  

So...I think I've covered pretty much everything about my first week here in Franklin.  I'll post some pictures so you can reallly see what it's like up here.  Love you guys!


Friday, May 22, 2009

‘Cause I know who You are
Staring life in the face
‘Cause I know who I am is who You made
So here I stand

-Joy Williams "Unafraid"

Friday, May 15, 2009

Those great big mounds in the sky...

Just a quick little update...

I'm officially moved in at my house in Franklin, TN for the summer.  It's a really interesting old house and will be great to live in, especially since I am once again blessed with super fantastic roommates.  I don't even know how I got so blessed...Breezy even brought me up a cupcake for a welcome home present!  

Once I moved in, we went to eat at an equivalent to Olive Garden and then (dun dun dunnnnn) stopped by Inpop for a quick tour!  The office is super cool, and it looks like I'll either have a cubicle next to Breezy or sit at the front desk.  I cannot wait to start Monday just to see what kind of work I'll be doing.  I'll be sure to update!  Oh, and charge my camera, since I was not able to get any pictures today because of my dead battery.

Just wanted to let you know that I'm here safely and really like it so far.  Love you guys!!


Monday, April 20, 2009

Weekend Lovliness

Becca, Laura, Me, Jax, Ali, and Caitie
learning the dance
painting pottery!
working on my mother's day present
AAA rescuing us.  It was interesting how he got it unlocked, so we documented it.
What we did while waiting on AAA guy
Yes, we all had french braids.
Gus gus!!
Kendal's possums.  
Hello loves,

Let's see, what has happened since the fabulous Chris Tomlin concert?  Well, not too much as far as during the week goes.  I made a resolution to go to the gym four times last week and only went once.  I got soaking wet running from the Visual Arts Building to my room (the farthest darn classroom from Libra).  I ate lots of fabulous leftovers from Easter and accidentally dropped a bunch of delicious turkey on the floor.  It was sad.  See?  Nothing too interesting from the week.  

BUTTTTT, this weekend was great!  Some friends and I went to Lakeland to stay with my suitemate Ali's family.  Originally, we were going to go to Bush Gardens on Saturday, but then decided to do pottery and hang out instead, as we are all trying to save funds right now.  Sooo....Saturday was wonderful.  We slept in till 11:00, had pancakes and bacon, went to Ali's cousin's house and played with baby possums, got locked out of Caitie's car and went to the dock and took pictures while we waited on the AAA guy, painted pottery, ate, sat around a campfire and played with a bug, and...duh duh duh...learned the Hoedown Throwdown from the Hannah Montana movie!  Yes...we watched her teach it over a youtube video and learned it.  Don't hate....we're actually pretty good at it. haha...

So I'll leave some pictures from this weekend.  Hope you all have wonderful Monday's and see you very soon in LaBelle!  


Tuesday, April 7, 2009

I am not forgoooteeenn.....*dances*

Ok so I'm totally listening to "Not Forgotten" as I write this blog.  It's kind of become my jam since Saturday evening.  The experience of the concert can't really be put into words.  Israel and the New Breed and Chris brought different aspects to the show that were both fantastic!  

Israel has such a fun spirit and every single song made me want to dance.  And dance we did! :)  I'm pretty sure that our row was the craziest in the entire amphitheater.  His kids came out at the end of his set which was so sweet and awesome.  They are crazy just like him.

And then there was Chris Worship-Is-What-I-Do Tomlin.  Yes, that is his actual middle name.  We're tight, remember?  There is nothing I could write about him that I haven't written before after attending one of his nights of worship (aka concerts).  q3;waeofkln;laskdfj.  Amazing.  It was awesome to hear new songs from "Ello Love" *in British accent*.  At times it was kind of awkward because I'm pretty sure he saw our group from stage as we often started the jumping/clapping of the entire audience.  But it was great....we even saw Louie Giglio!!!  Emily and I almost started chanting, but we somehow restrained ourselves.  Christy Nockels was there too and she just has such a beautiful voice.  It was a great addition to Chris's set.  

I'll leave some pictures that I got.  Probably not any from the show because none of them were really good, but some from before were cool.  It was a great weekend for sure!

Love you guys and am so glad that we got to share the weekend together!!!


Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Short update

I guess this isn't big news anymore since you all know, but looks like I'll be spending my summer in Franklin, TN working as an intern for Inpop Records.  I leave May 16 and return August 16.  

As much as it's really exciting, it's definitely nerve-racking too.  Coming to college was not nearly as unknown, considering I'd been to UCF a million times before, and already had friends (and family) up here.  Nashville will definitely be a crazy experience.  At this point, I'm so thankful to the Lord for the opportunity, and it seems like all is falling into place. 

There is a woman at Inpop who rents rooms out of a house and I think I'll be living in one of those for my stay.  The only roommate thus far is Breezy, Inpop's graphic designer and an sweet photographer.  And best of alllll...she went to UCF too!  Haha...she looks great, and I'm excited to have her up there.  

I'm pretty sure that's all that's been blog-worthy lately.  I'm going to get working on microeconomics homework before I  catch the shuttle to the Rosen campus to work out my summer deal.  Whew!

Hope all is well!


Monday, March 23, 2009

Life in the....medium lane

Dylan, Sasha, me, and Lindsay
Dylan...the sweetest thing ever.

Sasha...the crazy one.
Jayda and Justin
not sure what her name was complicated
They LOVED this.  ugh. ;)
this too.

The only thing I really want to mention that's been happening lately isssss....City Life Club!  
A group of students from Wesley go over to a park in an inner city neighborhood in Orlando every Friday to play with the kids, and then go to a church there on Sunday's to do Sunday School with the kids (considering the median age of the church is 70..and that is not exaggerated).  

I don't know that I'll ever be able to do Sunday school since I go to a different church on Sunday mornings...but I finally went over there this past Friday.  I'm upset with my self for not making time is SO fun!  The kids just want to be loved.  We played tag, frisbee, swung on the swings, tossed them around like 400 times, and exhausted everyone.  Kids ranging from like 4-13 come and there are a lot of them!  

That's really been the exciting thing happening lately....or at least the good, exciting thing.  I went to the doctor today to check out what could be wrong that is causing me all this dizziness and lack of sleep.  He thinks it is vestibular dysfunction, where crystals build up in my ears and lay in a really sensitive area....causing me to be dizzy (cause of clumsiness, maybe?? ;)).  I have to take this medicine 3 times a day for 2 weeks and do these strange exercises to hopefully help.  Hopefully this works...because it seems fairly simple.  But yeah...the Brit health saga continues.  

So yeah...there it is.  I'll leave some pictures from City Life Club on Friday.  


Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Drumroll Pleaseeeeee......

Happy 18th Birthday, Emo!

I hope you're having a blast up North, and that your day today was so great. You are now an adult. How fun. Don't get arrested, because you'll go to the big house. Just putting that out there for you.

But really, you're great! You totally deserved a fun vacation and I can't wait to hear all about Belmont. Have a great day, old lady!!


Saturday, March 14, 2009

Since I cannot sleep...

We looked for beanies, but found these instead...
The backyard of Mr. Perkins's house before.  
The front of the house
The fabulous siding job, in progess
On the way to Memphis!
Hello fellow bloggers...

It's about 1:09 in the morning and I am having a difficult time sleeping.  Since I am off of facebook and no one is on aim, I figure I'll try to get a blog out about Memphis.  I apologize in advance for spelling and grammatical errors...

We left for Memphis Saturday morning at 9:00 AM and drove through GA to our stop in Birmingham, AL.  A church that Andy had connections with let us stay in their college house, ironically titled the "UCF House".  It was amazing.  Two stories-filled with couches to sleep on, a grand piano, a fireplace, pool tables, ping pong, prayer rooms, art studios, etc.  We were so thankful to have a place to stay free of charge, and it didn't hurt that the couch was more comfortable than my bed back here in the dorm.  

We got up and headed out for Memphis Sunday morning.  We got to SOS in the early evening.  It was a really awesome facility that was a former car dealership.  Then the week started.  Monday morning we woke up, had breakfast and were briefed on what type of construction we would be doing.  I think I'll finish up the trip with some'll be easier than taking it day by day since we were there for quite some time.  

  • My favorite part of the trip was bonding with our team.  A 14 hour van ride can do that to you...everyone got along really well and became a lot closer through the challenges and joys of the trip.  
  • Our homeowner, Mr. Perkins, was another highlight.  He was a sweet, 72 year old man who has lived in Memphis his entire life and in his house for the past 23.  He was eager to help and often sat outside on his porch while we worked-telling us stories of when he was in the military and how he lost a finger.  I'm pretty sure he owned the neighborhood, as everyone that came by waved to him and asked him how he was doing. 
  • The weather on the first two days was absolutely perfect for home-repair.  Mid-70's, sunny, with a light breeze.  The last two were a different story, though entertaining and a good challenge.  The last day in particular was the 20's, raining, and super windy.  Somehow we all survived without catching pneumonia or losing a finger to frostbite.  
  • Learning construction...I can now put up siding on a house in no time.  That was one of our major projects, along with adding a room on the back of the house.  I was pretty successful with the siding and cut well with the saw, but putting up support for the roof was not my strength.  I was on the top step of a ladder trying to reach over a board that I couldn't see over with a super heavy nail-gun trying to angle it in so that the nail hit both boards.  Needless to say, it was an interesting experience.  
  • Gibson's Doughnuts.  This place was heaven-sent.  Andy claims he was saved again at Gibson's.  It was a local doughnut shop that had doughnuts made on location.  After 11:00 PM you could get a dozen for $1.25.  We spent every night there except for one.  Fabulous. 
  • Overcoming some fear.  I've always had a hard time with not judging people based on appearance, and the Lord opened my heart and eyes to see people the way He does while I was working in Orange Mound.  One of the staff at SOS brought a crack addict by our work site and allowed us to ask him any questions we had.  It was totally eye opening and my heart was broken for Melvin.  He sees, but does not understand.  Please pray that one day he'll get it in his heart, as well as his mind.  
  • We visited "Big Dawg"'s house.  This guy was a crack addict for years and was heavily involved in violent gangs.  He was arrested and released in 2004.  He received salvation shortly after being released from jail.  His testimony is absolutely incredible.  He lives to serve others.  He's given away 4 stoves from his own apartment to people he has seen in need and is currently stove-less because of it.  He works at SOS now and spends most of his days reaching out to prostitutes and crack addicts that need the Lord just as he did a few short years ago.  Seeing how he sacrifices for the Lord and how he has a heart for the people was incredible.  
  • We went to Arkansas.  It was right over the bridge so we just had to go.  For the 10 minutes I was there, it was not the least bit exciting.  I'm trying not to judge...I'm sure that there are more exciting things to be seen once you get a little further along.  Oh, and we drove through Mississippi which I had never been through before either.  Exciting stuff. 
  • Every night, we had a debriefing session with our group from Wesley.  We talked about what frustrated us about the day, what was great, and what the Lord was speaking to us about...we worshiped together, and prayed for our homeowner.  It was a great time that really brought the team together.  
  • On the second work day, we decided to have a competition of who could put up siding the fastest.  It was hilarious, and we got work done a whole lot quicker.
  • We went shopping at Burlington Coat Factory to try and bulk up for the crazy weather on Thursday.  I walked out of there with bright pink tights and a ridiculous looking sweater that was on clearance.  The tights were the highlight, for sure.  Courtney got them as well, and we took great joy in putting them on with our shorts and knee high socks while walking around SOS...getting strange looks.  Good times...
I'm pretty sure I've gotten down some of my favorite parts of the trip.  It was a fantastic week where the Lord was glorified.  It was exciting because it was not like a trip where there was this incredible spiritual high that fizzled out once it was over.  Instead, I really feel like the Lord has changed my outlook on a lot of things that will have a lasting impact on my life.  

Thanks for your prayers!!  

Love you ladies,

PS...I did not get a lot of great pictures from the worksite, so once Courtney gets hers up, I will post some of the house at the end of the week.  :)

Friday, March 13, 2009

So much more to come...

I promise to write more, but I have got to post something about the trip really quickly.  

I think what I'll choose to post is the coolest picture I have ever taken.  On our afternoon off, we visited downtown Memphis and stopped by the Peabody hotel to see the procession of ducks....

I know that has absolutely nothing to do with what we were really there to do, but I thought it was pretty cool myself.  

I'm headed to bed, but hopefully I'll get a real post up tomorrow.  It's just that we woke up at 4:30 after heading to bed at midnight to travel home tonight.  I'm exhausted and much of what I wrote would not make a lot of sense.  
Thanks for your prayers!! 


Friday, March 6, 2009

Memphis here we come...

Hey ya'll...

So we head out to Memphis tomorrow morning and prayer would be much appreciated.  We're traveling in a van with over 200,000 miles on it, working in a neighborhood that SOS is fairly new to, and this is Lauren's very first mission trip.  We are insanely excited for what the Lord will do, and cannot wait to see how He works this week.  

Anything I can pray for? Anna's trip, of course.  She leaves for New Orleans this week as well.  
Emily, Abby?  

Love you all and I'll see you sometime!  Have great weeks.  


Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Where the heck did February go??

Matt & Nathan
Julian Drive
Anyone else find this slightly disturbing? 
The ocean. ;)
Eeeemmillyyyy & me
I don't know about you guys, but to me it seems like February didn't even last a whole's almost the end and it felt like it spanned about a week.  In fact, this whole semester is going by incredibly quickly.  Swamp Cabbage was was really fun getting to hang out with my family and Em for the day.  Swamp Cabbage signals the end of February soooo....summer will be here before we know it!  We saw A1 Sunday night and that was fun...but not the same without you guys!  

There's a lot going on right now that's been kind of exhausting, and I'd love to ask for prayer..
This week has just been kind of emotionally draining, with my priorities and focus not being on the Lord.  That, along with the lovely sickness that has been developing has just worn me out.  I don't want to give in to apathy, so prayers that my spirit would be replenished would be great.  Also, I'm trying to figure out summer plans.  There is an internship opportunity at Inpop in the area I'd love love love to study (music business).  The complication comes in that you have to get school credit to apply for the internship, but to get school credit in my degree the internship has to be paid.  Why is this complicated, you might ask?  Inpop is not paid.  Prayers for God's will would be fabulous!
Anything you need me to pray for?

I'll leave with some pictures of what's been going on since I posted last.  I'm sure I'll have lots of fun stories once I get back from UF this weekend, right Anna?  ;)


Sunday, February 15, 2009

I'm hungry

Happy belated Valentines Day!  I hope you girls had a great day with people you love.  The holiday was actually kind of funny for me, because God has been speaking to my heart about love a lot lately.  Maybe not the kind of love that the commercialized holiday promotes, but love nonetheless.  

"While Jesus was in one of the towns, a man came along who was covered with leprosy.  When he saw jesus he fell with his face to the ground and begged him, 'Lord, if you are willing you can make me clean.'  Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man.  'I am willing,' he said.  'Be clean!'.  And immediately the leprosy left him."
-Luke 5:12-14

I'm going to Memphis to work in an inner-city neighborhood for Spring Break, and our team has been meeting weekly to prepare for the trip.  One thing that comes up pretty often in our discussion is what love really is, and how Jesus loved.  I'm sure all of us have read the story of Jesus healing the leper several times...but I guess I had never really studied it before.  The fact that Jesus actually touched the man and was willing to sacrifice a little bit of himself was something that I didn't understand before.  I feel like as a nation we like to throw excess money at problems instead of actually sacrificing something.  Don't get me wrong..without adequate funding many things cannot be accomplished.  But there are so many other things to be done besides and in addition to financially giving.  People need to be loved.  We have to actually sacrifice and show people that they matter.  

There are so many times where I have complained about inconveniencing myself just a little bit to give someone a ride or talk to someone who needs a person to listen to them.  That's one thing I get so frustrated with myself about.  Jesus loved in every aspect of his life.  It kind of astonished me that he touched a leper.  After reading up on the disease, many people are immune to it, but if you are not, it can be contagious.  I'm sure it especially was back then...when there were no vaccines or preventative medications.  I had never actually looked at a picture of someone with leprosy, and now that I's really obvious.  Jesus looked beyond the exterior of the disease and spoke into that person's life.  He of all people could have been doing a number of other things but Jesus (who had a busy busy life) took time out of his life to love someone.  

That's my prayer...that we might see people through God's eyes and that our hearts would break for others.  

I love you guys so much...let's go love others.  


Sunday, February 1, 2009

I'm feeling the Cheesecake Factory....

How's this beautiful Sunday morning going for everyone?
Mine has been pretty fantastic.  This morning I showered and got on the computer while I was drinking my orange juice before getting ready for church.  I have not talked to the lovely Kristen Kroll since September (which is a travesty) and she got online!  I kind of skipped church because we talked for a while.  Best morning I've had in a while.  Since I skipped church, I went outside my dorm to some benches out front and had my own Sabbath time....listening to Vicky Beeching, reading a devotional from Rebecca St. James, journaling, spending time in the Word, and just enjoying the beautiful weather.  God really spoke to me through this song, so I thought I'd share...

Your laughter it echoes like a joyous thunder
Your whisper it warms me like a summer breeze
Your anger is fiercer than the sun in its splendour
You’re close and yet full of mystery
Ever since the day that I saw Your face
Try as I may, I cannot look away, I cannot look away…

Captivated by You
I am captivated by You
May my life be one unbroken gaze
Fixed upon the beauty of Your face

Beholding is becoming, so as You fill my gaze
I become more like You and my heart is changed
Beholding is becoming, so as You fill my view
Transform me into the likeness of You

This is what I ask, for all my days
That I may, never look away, never look away…
No other could ever be as beautiful
No other could ever steal my heart away
I just can’t look away…

-Captivated by Vicky Beeching

To end, I thought I'd share some things I'm really looking forward to here in the near future!
  • Working the Sanctus Real/Matthew West show with Em next weekend!
  • A Valentine's day on the lake with some lovely ladies.
  • The Article One show in Clermont
  • Chris Tomlin.  Need I say more??

Hope everyone has great weeks being captivated by Him! :)

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Oh boy, Oh boy

The Capital and the millions of people in front of it
Washington Monument earrrly in the morning
The NBC desk at the Newseum
Matt and I on the balcony of the Newseum...freezing because our coats had been checked in.  Brr!
A portion of the Berlin Wall
This could've been a really great picture...hehe.  We're pointing at Florida Avenue trying to convince ourselves that it's warm.  It did NOT work.

Can anyone tell me why Florida is being stupid?  A low of 27 last night...all I'm sayin'....

Ok so a few things are new.  I went to the inauguration of President Barack Obama and as a result have been in DC for the past 5 days.  Let me tell was freezing, but totally worth it.  What an experience.  I could tell you about the people jumping over porta-potties, my fear of losing my toe due to frostbite, Cathy and I partying with homemade lemonade because we weren't allowed to go to the "Lotus Lounge", the amazing people, freezing more than I ever have before, a bus blockade made of people, and jumping through bushes, but I'll spare you.  Oops...

I'll post some pictures, because I feel like that's the best way to really see what it was like.  It's hard to describe in words the spirit of the event, and what it was like to be around alllll those other people celebrating that historic day.  

So.  If you're ever bored, go read old blog posts from all of us, and the comments.  They pretty much made my day today....and there are a lot of inside jokes that I unfortunately cannot remember the meaning to.  Makes it more fun, I think....
Hope your lives are being great to you all, and that we can all get together soon!  


Sunday, January 4, 2009

Back to school, back to schoooooollllll

So third and last update about the cyst.  The stitches come out tomorrow! :)

Speaking of tomorrow, it's going to be a busy busy day.  I have to go to Ft. Myers with Grandpa in the morning to get my stitches out, then come back and vacuum my car and pack, then lunch with Emily, then bank with mom, then drive to Orlando, then unpack, and then....HUEY MAGOOS.  I'm looking forward to that a little...;)
I'm looking forward to heading back to school but am sad to leave home too.  Being here for so long made me get back into the swing of living at home and sometimes it feels like I never left.  I love getting 'the best of both worlds' (hehe).  If I could move my family, friends, church, and animals to Orlando and occasionally take a trip to the country, sweet would that be. I certainly have nothing to complain about...I'm insanely blessed at both Orlando and home.

Heading back a few days...Christmas was great, though different.  A lot of our family was out of town so it was a lot smaller than usual.  New Years was special.  We had a huge bon-fire out at our friend James's house and were entertained by a fabulous showing of fireworks.  Oh LaBelle...

Now onto New Years Resolutions...I'm not a fan.  I've never met someone who's actually stuck to one.  Ms. Martha brought up an interesting point in church this morning.  She talked about how the resolutions so often focus on ourselves and how we can improve US.  I had never noticed that.  She talked about instead of trying to improve things about us, how about improving things around us.  She got me thinking more and more about my dream and the call on my heart to be a missionary.  Sometimes with all of the career opportunities that come up with getting closer and closer to being out of school, I lose sight of the call of God on my life.  I'm not sure if it will be forever, for a few years, or for even less, but what I do know is that I have to be careful to never lose sight of God and His plans for me.  For now I'm going to continue on in school and pray for God's plans on my life.  I have no idea where that will lead, and it's a bit frightening, but even more fulfilling and exiting.  

I love you guys, and it was great to see you both over break.  Here's to 2009 being...2009.  I'm not asking for better or worse...just whatever God has in store.  

Oh, and let's not forget to pray for the Kelly family.  Tomorrow with be 1 year since the accident...
