Friday, September 19, 2008


As I mentioned in my last post, life is pretty insane for me right now.  So many many different things to think about/do.  Therefore I thought it was interesting that in our Freshmen Group they challenged us to do at least 15 minutes of meditating each day-simply sitting in the presence of God praying and listening for His voice.  

As I've said many times before, isn't it so funny how God knows exactly what we need in our lives?  Taking those short minutes out of my day seems to actually make more time to get things done.  Doesn't make any sense logically, but God has never been logical.  I wanted to share a scripture that I heard at Wesley last Tuesday that has inspired me.  

"A person's words can be life-giving water, words of true wisdom are as refreshing as a bubbling brooke." -Proverbs 18:4

Andy talked about a quote he had heard, and wanted to change it.  I totally should have brought my journal because I cannot remember who said it originally.  It is:  "The best thing about the church is the people, and the worst thing about the church is the people".  He talked about us at Wesley trying to erase the second half of that.  His entire sermon inspired me to be someone that people like to be around.  To be someone that encourages others, and looks at life in a positive light instead of being downcast all the time.  When I walk into a room and someone seems to genuinely want to get to know me and makes me feel like I'm important, it makes a world of difference.  It's so important to be loved, and so many people in this world have no idea what that feels like.  So my goal for this week besides doing my meditations faithfully is to love on people.  Make them feel like they are important and be Jesus to them.  

As far as what I've actually done this last week....basically had my nose in books with the occasional break for Wesley/Freshman Group/SAK Comedy Club/other fun stuff.  I still have tons of reading to do for Monday but I got a lot accomplished today which was great.  Tomorrow I have a Volunteer UCF event that goes along with my goal for this week.  We're going to work in a crisis nursery and spend time with the children there.  I'm very excited and will be sure to try and take pictures (if possible) and update on how that goes.  Sunday is church and more schoolwork.  I'm coming home next weekend to see everyone.  So excited!  

Love you guys!  :)


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I'm guessing the craziness never ends...

Whew...I sure thought things would calm down a little while ago, but the craziness has not stopped.  I don't even remember what my last blog was about.  Oh yeah!  Getting excited about the amazing weekend.  I guess I should talk about that...

I went home Thursday (driving home by yourself is really boring, fyi) and went immediately to the Conners' to see Jesse, Kristen, and Trinia.  I was so overwhelmed I was in's crazy how you don't realize how much you miss someone until you see them again.  I spent a couple hours over there, and then came home to do laundry.  Oh what an exciting night.  

Emily and I left for Night of Joy the next day at 1:00.  The ride was awesome, with me hating the Earth and Emily loving walls.  Fabulous.  At Night of Joy, I saw Britt Nicole, Chris Tomlin, Barlow Girl, a song of Becca St. James, and Rush of Fools.  All were amazing!  It was so fun to hang out with Em and Anner.  We have so many stories that came from that short time...let's just say that I'll post a video that pretty much sums up our evening.  

As of now, I'm drowning in school work.  It totally stinks when two of your professors decide to make us finish books in the same week AND write papers on them.  I'm done with history, but still have to read 100 pgs of awfulness and write a paper by Saturday.  Yes, I know it's only Wednesday but...;)

I'll post some pictures from NOJ.  Hope everyone's weeks are going well!  I'm going to go hang out with some kids from Wesley tonight and pig out on pizza.  Yumm...


Tuesday, September 2, 2008

I'm so looking forward to this week...

I don't think I've been this excited for a week in quite a while.  Wesley tonight, "Iron Man" tomorrow night, home Thursday (to see Kristen, Jesse, and Trinia....yayayayayayayyaa), and then back up Friday with Emily to meet Anna at Night of Joy!  Saturday is the USF game; still not sure if I have gotten tickets or not).  Anna's taking Emily home on Saturday to spend some time with her family, and then coming back on Sunday to come to church with me Sunday night.  ;)

Let's see.  I'm trying to think of anything blog worthy in the last few days.  Sunday night, Chelsey, Jaclyn, and I went with my friends to a college aged ministry in downtown Orlando.  I don't even really have words to describe the service.  The music was amazing, the sermon inspiring yet challenging (all about letting Jesus be King over ALL of our lives, not just he areas we don't care about controlling), and then guys that we went with said that the sermon that night was the 'worst' they'd ever heard.  Mind you, when the sermons are amazing all the time, being the 'worst' is just really great...not amazing.  Something like that..haha!

I've got a lot to think about coming up here.  If you guys could just keep me and my decisions in your prayers, I'd sure appreciate it.  God has been/is so amazing in these past few weeks.  I'm going to Wesley tonight, and hopefully something about playing bass will come up.  Wow!  "Majesty (Here I Am)" just came up on my iPod and that was one of the songs I loved the most at Status.  Just wow....

Love you all, and can't wait for this weekend!  Oh, one more thing.  Please keep my mom in your prayers.  I knew that this time would be hard on her, but she's making excuses not to go to church...where all her support is.  She really needs that (even if it does remind her a lot of me being there).  Also just pray for my parents in general, as they are having to get used to being by themselves...Thanks!!
