I've officially been at college for a week today! Woohoo! Honestly, it feels like it's been about a thousand years since I'v been here. Days run together, and feel a lot longer than they did at home. Possibly because days HAVE been longer since I've had to get up for class and stay up a little later than I should. Ha!
So tons has happened since I last posted. I went to all my other classes, and love most of them. My American History teacher (who I was worried about because I heard that she was ultra hard) is amazing. She loves history, and inspires us to love it too. The only beef I have about my classes, is my Computer Fundamentals for Business lecture with 350 people in it. The size is not what bothers me, it's Dr. Abdallah who speaks 6 languages and has accents from each one. I had a migraine after class trying to understand what he was saying! Good thing I know what he's talking about, so as long as I get my assignments I really don't have to listen too carefully.
I met my suitemates this week, as well! They are both wonderful wonderful people, and we've already had a lot of fun playing board games. Jaclyn is a Christian, which is such a blessing! She went to Wesley with me last night to watch "Batman Begins" and eat Huey Magoos. By the way, for those of you who are coming to visit me at some point, we are going to Huey Magoos. It is absolutely amazing!! I met tons of great people there, and we had a great time. Plus, something I'm really excited about is that somehow one guy who plays guitar in the band and I got talking, and they need a bass player for the Wesley band! I explained that I'm not that great, but he really wants me to come check it out. I've been praying for a way to get involved with Christian music up here, and God has once again shown Himself. Thus, my parents are bringing my bass up this afternoon. I cannot even explain how excited I am about this. God has shown Himself to me more this week than ever in my entire life.
I could write about my whole escapade with what happened trying to get to Wesley on Tuesday night, but instead I'm going to copy and paste what I sent Suzanna in an email. Much easier, considering that I've told that story about 10 times this past week. ;)
Chelsey walked over from her dorm so that we could go with my suitemate Jaqulyn to Wesley (a Methodist ministry here on campus). It was supposed to be outside, but it was storming, so we were going to go to the church. Well...long story short, it was pouring rain and lightning a bit and we couldn't find my car in the parking lot! After going out a second time, I have the epiphany that it must've gotten towed since they started checking for parking and I forgot to move my car into the correct zone after Sunday. I haven't needed it, so I just didn't think. On our way back the second time, lightning struck the ground right next to us and it was terrifying. haha..We're all fine, but ran all the way back to my building. ;) We didn't get to go to the ministry, and now I have to pay a lovely fine. AND, Chelsey left her car and it is now dark and storming so she can't walk back (and wouldn't either with it being so dark), so she's crashing with me and my roommate tonight. We had a get-together earlier tonight in our neighbors room playing catch phrase with our entire floor :), and I remembered when I invited one of the guys that his roommate never came. SO, we took his extra mattress for a night and kind of snuck it in (since the RA lives literally right across the hall from me)...b/c we're not sure if that's allowed or not. So yeah...lonngggg but hilarious night. :)
So yeah...that was hilarious! I'll post the picture that's worth a thousand words along with some of my room. Hope you all had a great week, and Emily, I can't wait to see you on Saturday!!! John Mayer!!!! :)
Anner, have a blast at the game this weekend! We'll miss you, but next weekend is going to be amazing, too!